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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-29-2009 3:04 AM by thavn. 47 replies.
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  • 12-26-2009 2:49 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Peter :
    Very beautiful - I expect to see you in the next catalogue!

    I absolutely agree !!


    and here is a wild thought ... why don't B&O produce a calendar of scenes like this living room ! (or the other beautiful set-up I saw in the forum today ... BeoSound 4, BeoLab 8000s, and stylish red/orange wall paper) [edit: here this link:]


    and Lee, I do not mean with Pirelli Babes !!!

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 12-26-2009 3:12 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Just georgeus!! Yes -  thumbs up


    I once did own BL5000 and they were fantastic, and still today with you new awesome tv they don`t look old.

    Congratulations on your setup and merry xmas to you Smile

    See hear feel B&O.

  • 12-26-2009 3:24 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    No complaints here either, just one question: what have you done with the cables for the BS5? You have placed it the same place as I would if I bought one, and the only thing holding me back are the cables.

    See hear feel B&O.

  • 12-26-2009 4:04 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    your main room looks absolutely stuning incredible as does your bedroom setup.

  • 12-27-2009 4:17 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Great setup!

    Another thread is about lack of bass when the Beolab 5000 are attached to a 8-40. The only solution was to add a subwoofer. Does occure the same with your BV 10?


  • 12-27-2009 4:59 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    It is the same chassis so I would expect it to be the same. The new BV11 would seem to be the answer!

  • 12-27-2009 5:14 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Peter :

    It is the same chassis so I would expect it to be the same. The new BV11 would seem to be the answer!

    A whole new telly or do you mean the new subwoofer?

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 12-27-2009 5:16 AM In reply to

    • steph
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    New BV11 ?

    Peter, is it something you discussed with Lars ? Laughing

  • 12-27-2009 5:44 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    It looks fab! Yes -  thumbs up Job well done!

    Beoworld's twenty-eighth ninth prize winner and fifty-first second prize winner. Best £30 I've ever spent!

  • 12-27-2009 6:19 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000


    New BV11 ?

    Peter, is it something you discussed with Lars ? Laughing


    Big SmileBig Smile

  • 12-27-2009 11:52 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Some answers to your questions:

    The cables of BS5 are hidden under the carpet. It is so thick that the calbes are barely visible. The cables of the rear speakers are there as well. The photo is from last spring. Now the BS5 is near the window beside BL 8000. I moved it because I couldn't see the display when sitting on the sofa. For surfing the net radio it would be nice to have it beside your armchair or sofa.

    Lack of bass is evident in my bedroom setup. So I'm waiting for the new sub to be released.

    One question for you:

    I'm thinking of upgrading my television in the living room because it is quite old and of the first generation. The picure is really inferior to BV 10 in the bedroom. My alternatives are:

    - to upgrade only the monitor to a new one with a bluray-player. (Perhaps waiting for the LED-based display to be released)

    - to buy a BL 7-55 with a low stand and a BL 7-6. I prefer the low stand because otherwise the tv hides the scenery from the window.

    Do you think that a BL 7-6 performs well as a center speaker in my setup?

    I have a projector hidden behind a glass part of the wall and a screen which is visible in the pic. So I can watch movies on a big screen. This makes the decision even harder. BV 7-55 has a big picture but maybe not enough for a movie experience.


  • 12-27-2009 12:17 PM In reply to

    • paul
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    ooooo myyyyy gggooddddd. what a stunningly beautiful arrangement of the old and the new. This made my heart skip a beat and like the others, I wanna move in :)) and the I saw your main room.....well, if you dont make the magazine, there is no justice. You live in a staggeringly beautiful aestethically pleasing home and I love the art work too. who is the artist if you dont mind me asking?

    I must get some pics of my own components up here but your pics really are breathtaking - well done to uuuu.

    Paul -Dublin

    BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of  BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

  • 12-27-2009 12:49 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Thankyou for your nice comment Paul!

    The artist is Jaan Elken. He is from Estonia. The name of the painting is "sugarfree".

    Still one pic. This time it is from my summerhouse. Some B&O also there and a yellow painting by Jaan Elken just barely visible on the wall at the right side.


  • 12-27-2009 12:52 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Very nice pictures from a beautiful home and summerhouse!

    You're a very lucky man!


    Very nice indeed!

    BV10, Avant DVD, BL5, BL4000, BS2300, BV6-26, MX 4002, 2xBeocom 6000, LC2

  • 12-27-2009 1:05 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    This goes quite far away from the original subject but still one pic from the summerhouse where the painting is more visible. The name of it is "Chinatown" and the artist is Jaan Elken. 


  • 12-27-2009 1:23 PM In reply to

    • paul
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    im loving it. its just great to see how others live and arrange their B&O - gives me inspiration and ideas for my own place. i love the clean lines and sense of space - u seem to be winning the battle against clutter. Thanks for showing these pics.

    BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of  BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

  • 12-27-2009 2:00 PM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    I thought my old Avant and Pentas looked good together until I saw your BV10 and BL5000s....!

    Wow - amazing set up and makes me very jealous :)

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 12-28-2009 4:50 AM In reply to

    • Noah
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    That is a wonderful livingroom! Thank you to share it with us.

    One question...has nothing to do with B&O but I just have to ask: Where do you have this gorgeous sofa from?? I am looking for a new one and your is very beautyful!


  • 12-28-2009 6:17 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    The sofa is LC2 3-seater designed by Le Corbusier in 1928. The company which produces the original ones is Cassina but there are also dozens of copies available.

    The steel frame of my sofa is black and the surface of the cushions is made of canvas. Usually LC-furniture aren't very comfortable but this sofa is. Maybe it is because of the cavas surface and soft cushions. The chairs are of same origin but more traditional with chrome frame and black leather cushions.

    Here is a pic where the sofa is better visible.



  • 12-28-2009 7:04 AM In reply to

    • Noah
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Thank you for your answer. But I was referring to the sofa in your other home. The one with the wooden surrouond. This is your home, isn't it!!?

    I do know the Corbusier furniture very well...we once had two of the same chairs you have on the foto. But we changed them for a Loungechair designed by Eames and a steel pipe chair of a swiss manufacturer. These two look good too and they are in my oppinion way more comfortable then the LC-2

  • 12-28-2009 7:44 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    The sofa at the summerhouse is by Artek, a finnish manufacturer. Unfortunately that sofa is not in production anymore.


  • 12-28-2009 9:44 AM In reply to

    • Noah
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    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Thank you for the name of the manufacturer! They have other nice furniture in production!

    Have fun with your gorgeous set-ups and I wish you a happy new year.


  • 12-29-2009 3:04 AM In reply to

    Re: BV 10-40 and BL 5000

    Reading this thread again, I have two comments.

    A larger cable cover would solve the problem with the cover on the back of the BV10. I have lots and lots of cables in mine, and I can turn the TV 45 degrees without any problems.

    Will the BL7-6 be as good a centre speaker as the 7-4 you have today. I think not. The 7-6 is by far the better speaker if listening only to the speaker, but as a centre speaker the 7-4 is fantastic. It reproduces voices like no other centre speaker I have ever heard. And voices are the main thing about a centre speaker. But it would be very cool to have the BV7-55 very low on its stand, and the 7-6 is certainly a great speaker... 

    BV10, Avant DVD, BL5, BL4000, BS2300, BV6-26, MX 4002, 2xBeocom 6000, LC2

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