Peter :
The 1200 and 1600 do look good and are not bad tape recorders - high end domestic.
The English fellow in youtube had 1600 up to spec. To my ears, the playback quality was better than the vaunted Tandberg 64 series.
More airy, spacy, and more detailed sound.
Compared to Revox E, F, G series, to my ears, it was different, but overall equal. Less euphonic, or brighter than the Revox, but more detailed, better separation.
Btw. The English fellow has both F, G series Revox, and Beocord 1600 on youtube so I could compare their sound more or less consistently.
Besides, he commented how surprised he was at the sound quality of Beocord 1600.
Peter :
The 2000 and 2400 are semi-professional though and a class above. A good tape recording is indistinguishable from the source. The 2400 is built to an incredible standard - think Beolab 5000 or Beogram 4000 and then think even better and heavier!
Well, the sound quality must be awesome.
Peter :
Not as pretty though! This was mine!
Lucky man, if you ever want to sell it, please let me know. I think one way shipping to U.S. should be about 77 pounds? at today's exchange rate?
I'm trying to get a hold of Beocord 2000 from consignment store in the states for $50, but no response yet. I don't know whether it's functioning, much less up to specs.