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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-06-2009 6:39 AM by Jazzy. 5 replies.
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  • 10-28-2009 5:48 AM

    • Jazzy
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    Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Hi there,

    As this is my first post on this forum, just quickly an intro on how I got started with B&O. Ever since I got my hands on my grandfathers old Beomaster 1000 when I was about 10, I've been a fan of this brand and the sound it's products produce. The 1000 is still working, hooked up to a DVD/CD player!

    Last week I also got the equipment my grandfather had purchased afterwards: a Beocenter 2800, with 2 sets of Beovox speakers. The problem I have now is that the Beocenter doesn't "do" anything when I plug the power cord in and choose for example the FM source. I tried a couple of things such as choosing other sources, also checked that the switch at the bottom is set to 220V. I don't see any lights in the band window, which normally should light up when powered on I guess.

    The thing is that this equipment has just been standing there in my grandparents' living room for about 8 years without being used, and I suspect that this might be causing the problem.

    Does anyone here have any tips on what I should check before asking a professional to check the machine? I'm pretty technical minded, but don't have much eperience with electronics.

    thank you

    best regards



  • 10-28-2009 7:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Hi there and welcome to Beoworld!

    One of the common faults on the 1500-based centers are broken or stuck switches. I suggest you check that first (in this case I would suspect the power-switch).

    Another thing would be blown fuses or oxidized fuse holders. Or a broken power cable cable.

    But those are just the "lucky" faults...if the fuse(s) are blown there is most probably a problem in the amplifier.

    I still have a spares unit if you need one.


  • 11-03-2009 9:13 AM In reply to

    • Jazzy
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    Re: Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply. I will open up the unit and have a look at the parts you suggested. Will keep you posted.

    best regards


  • 11-06-2009 4:09 AM In reply to

    • Jazzy
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    Re: Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Okay, opened up the unit yesterday, took out the record player piece and had a closer look at the parts. The fuses are not blown and look like new, so no issue there.

    The power cable looks intact, and the end is still properly attached.

    Next step I guess is to check with a voltage meter to see if there is current coming in after that. The first check I'll do is at the switch of the "off" button, as that is the first place where things could go wrong. When I opened up the unit, I noticed a small piece of plastic that seemed to have come off somewhere in that area, no idea what it is for.

    If any of you have other suggestions of parts to check (or to avoid), please let me know/

  • 11-06-2009 4:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Since it is completely dead while the fuses are OK, there's still a chance that it will be an easy fix, the power switch being the main suspect followed by the rectifier bridges. Measure around in an orderly manner and follow where the supply voltages end. You should have the schematic - the service manual is of course on site if you decide to upgrade your membership, but I can't tell you not to google for other sources...

    This is a relatively easy unit to work on, not counting the cursed front panel. Just measure all the supply voltages, some of them are probably missing and then we can close on the cause for that.


  • 11-06-2009 6:39 AM In reply to

    • Jazzy
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    Re: Beocenter 2800 power issue?

    Okay, will do.

    I have the service manual already, but my voltage meter equipment is broken, so I'll need to buy a replacement first.

    Will come back with the results of the check.


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