Going to sell this wanted to check it out before offering it, however came across this site while searching for pinouts for the 5 pin din and struggling not to get hooked. Glad it costs money to download the manuals? Is that correct? Would be so nice to go through it and completely refurbish it..ahhh.wish I had the time.
Works very nice as is except the off switch has a tendency to take more pressure than should be required. And of course, dont think I found the correct pin outs have tried stripping rca cable wires and inserting them into both the 2 and 3 as well as the 2 and 5 pin hole on a 5 pin din female to female adapter I placed on the end of the output lead.
Only sound I get is when the Right and Left Hot wires are put into pin 4 and pin 5 and the Right and Left cold wires are placed into pin 2. The output level is low with high amount of distortion, (to be clear, sound being reproduced from record is clear, just not at an appropriate volume level and is accompained with significant amount of distortion )makes me wonder if I should have left those settings that I zeroed out alone. The dial on the 33 side was set past -2.5 nearly all the way to 3. Bet all you guys are having conniptions by now about the new guy messing with things before he even knows what they are ..anyways bet that was a downforce adjustment huh? Needle does seem to track a bit lighter now.
So, four questions
Is paid membership required to download the manuals for the beo 4200s
Does anyone have pinouts for the 5 pin din on the beo 4200 for conversion to rca cables (testing purposes only)
Any hints about the off switch pressure problems.
Is my reported sound results typical of failing MMMC6000 cartridge, if not can you please describe results of failing MMMC6000 cartridge.
Thank you,