Not sure is the answer.
Seethroughyou's setup is technically the same as mine so that is easy. The Product Config Guide also is not very clear on this.
I would suggest you try the following:-
Go through the proceedure below. Get your TV, Beolabs and BS5 working together.
You may be lucky in that by adding a BS3000 as A.Option 0 (with the Beo5/4 remote) and then change the BS5 from the expanded Settings menu, Roles, A.Option 0, AM Yes, that it may work. It may also jam - which case you meed to power off one of them at a time and re-programme the options.
Alternatively, if the BS3000 has Option programming for Opt.5 or Opt 4, (I dont think it has - nor has the BS5 but this would solve all the problems).
As the BS5 reacts to N.Music and N.Radio and the BS3000 to CD and Radio, I cant see that there is a conflict over the Masterlink.
The only conflict I see is on the hardkey controls. I am not certain what would happen if the BS5 is set to audiomaster YES, and then if the hardkeys on the BS3000 still work???
The other permutation is to do the same and set BS5 Audiomaster setting to NO.