i will probably trade in my Bs9000 for a dealer's ex-demo Bc2 (only a few months old for 10& discount) in the next few weeks. an attractive package with DVD, CD, Mp3, FM, DAB all in one in an elegant wrap... then in 2-3 years buy the latest Bs5 at the time. the Bc2 will go upstairs to the study or bedroom coupled to a TV to make a complete AV system.
although the software is updated weekly if need be, like the Bc2 an Bs9000 i'm wondering if it's better waiting for the 2nd and 3rd generation ones over the coming years. the later Bs9000s and Bc2 benefitted from hardware upgrades.
1. i suspect they will renovate the hardware to iron out some limitations but what do you think they might be?
2. is this a reasonable plan?