MMC20CL (left pic) & MMC20EN which looks very much like the MMC3
I have to say your pictures are in a different league to mine Peter but in defence, mine were taken using a cheap digital camera with the lens from a microscope taped over the camera lens - oh and about 100 rather intoxicated attempts
- not something I would ever consider trying sober BTW
I was quite please with my results though
I have to admit to being in total awe of the stone cutters/setters or whatever machinery was involved in creating these gems (no pun intended) - especially the CL & MMC1/2 series which involves drilling the finest hole in a sapphire cantilever in which to set the stylus. Sapphire comes only 2nd on the MOH's scale of hardness (to diamond of course) so even the tooling for such tasks beggars belief to me.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.