I knew nothing about B&O before I inherited a Beogram RX2 turntable from my friend. It had belonged to his father and he did'nt have room for it and couldn't afford to get it a cartridge. I took it cleaned the rca jacks with some contact cleaner, polished the dustcover for some hairline scratchs and purchased either a brand new or refurbished mmc2 cartridge. Now I am confident this table will play, it was stored with great care and was previously owned by a hardware buff...
(and this comes and goes)
It drops a channel. The left channel plays much softer then the right channel. I removed my Marantz 2226 and put my backup Technics SA300 in to test. Same result. On no other channel with all my matched equipment does the left drop. CD, tape, tuner these all play fine. The new cartridge plays so sweet I cant think of why it would be it. Someone throw me a bone here.