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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-29-2009 8:58 AM by burantek. 5 replies.
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  • 04-28-2009 3:20 AM

    Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    I knew nothing about B&O before I inherited a Beogram RX2 turntable from my friend. It had belonged to his father and he did'nt have room for it and couldn't afford to get it a cartridge. I took it cleaned the rca jacks with some contact cleaner, polished the dustcover for some hairline scratchs and purchased either a brand new or refurbished mmc2 cartridge. Now I am confident this table will play, it was stored with great care and was previously owned by a hardware buff...


    (and this comes and goes)


    It drops a channel. The left channel plays much softer then the right channel. I removed my Marantz 2226 and put my backup Technics SA300 in to test. Same result. On no other channel with all my matched equipment does the left drop. CD, tape, tuner these all play fine. The new cartridge plays so sweet I cant think of why it would be it. Someone throw me a bone here.

  • 04-28-2009 5:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    Hi RedEarth

    I am qiute sure that the problem are related to the mmc cartridge,where do you get it and is it possible for you to borrow a mmc to try if it works.New ones can be bought at



  • 04-28-2009 6:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    Hi RedEarth

    The link to soundsmith were wrong it's





  • 04-28-2009 8:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    I agree with the above - I suppose it could be the mute circuit in the Beogram but it seems more likely to be the cartridge. The first thing to do is try another cartridge - if you know anyone local it would be worth asking. Alternatively, try continuity testing the signal path in the record player. If this is all OK, it is likely that the pins in the MMC have come loose. This was quite a comon fault in the last ones. It is worth trying taking the cartridge out and tapping the pins very lightly with a hammer - especially if one looks proud. VERY LIGHTLY !

    Then put the cartridge back, and if it works, never remove it again!!

  • 04-29-2009 12:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    PUt in a backup mmc5 that came with the TT. The 5 is scrap but both channels seemed fine. I got out and old hammer I had from buidling model trians and (very gently) tapped on my 2. Replaced and works fine. Thanks for the advice, that thing isn't leaving that TT till I need a new one.

  • 04-29-2009 8:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Troubleshooting my first B&O.

    great news! glad you got it going so simply!

    peter, you are a saint! i had never heard the hammer trick prior!

    i can't wait to try it myself! 

    • B&o bottle opener
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