If you are not finished yet copying your music, here is what I propose:
I assume you have a PC with Beoplayer, which can access your NAS as well as BM5 (via Beoplayer).
This is - by the way - also my environment. My solution is to copy all my music files via windows file-explorer
(or - for all the long-term-pc-junkies - I use a newer windows version of norton commander which is called "speed-commander" that comes with a filesync application which is very helpful, when NAS changes should update BM5)
I. easy, quick and dirty
1. Beoplayer runs on your pc. I assume beoplayer has access to BM5
2. open file-explorer. BM5 is the network device without drive name. the name of the server should contain "bm-share$"
(it is only visible, as long as Beoplayer on this PC has a connection to BM5)
3. select BM5 with explorer, choose "music" menue
4. open another explorer window and connect to your NAS
5. copy your music-files via drag and drop
I use a filesync programm which recognizes every update on my Music Library on the NAS and then synchronizes BM5 with the NAS.
> there are cheap and mighty tools for that everywhere on the web.
If you would like to have a PERMANENT network connection to BM5 which is INDEPENDENT to Beoplayer:
II. The independant way: establish a connection from your PC to BM5 which is independant to Beoplayer
1. get access to BM5: open beoplayer on your pc. I assume beoplayer has access to BM5
2. start windows' file-explorer
3. start explorer's connection dialog - Windows XP file-explorer can connect within the [tools][connect to network device] menu
a. connect to \\192.168.xxx.yyy\bm-share$ (where "xxx" and "yyy" match to the network settings of BS5/BM5 - compare to it in the BS5 settings menue)
b. choose "connect as a different user", enter "DT-CORE\BM-USER" as user and your BM5 access-password (which you might remember from your last thread) as password.
c. after assigning a drive-letter to that network connection, confirm the dialog-box
You have now permanent network access to BM5 from your PC.
Just use a filesync-tool to synchronize BM5 to your library. It works alos still fine if you have updated to new album cover graphics...