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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-21-2009 2:56 AM by saxtoft. 4 replies.
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  • 04-18-2009 7:56 PM

    Copy files to the Beomaster 5

    Hi, I have installed my BS5/BM5 today with great help from Vogelr.

    Now some more questions :

    - I have about 22.000 songs on my NAS and would now like to copy them to the Beomaster 5, with the help of Beoplayer. But how do I choose to copy all songs at one time ? I am not able to choose all titles, or all artists or all of anything else. CTRL + A doesn't work and not scrolling with the Shift-key down either.

    - How will I add new music as easy as possible to my Beoplayer/BM 5 ?



  • 04-19-2009 2:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Copy files to the Beomaster 5

    I am not sure but if the BP5 is started on your computer you should see the harddrive of BM5 and then in the normal explorer window just drag and drop all files to the harddrive. But perhaps you should ask Stefan or Mr10Percent in the special BS5/BM5 forum here at the Beoworld for a more exact instruction.

    Brgds Ingvar

    Collector since 1996, BS5/BM5, BL3*4, BL11, BEO6, BV10-46, BL2000, MX4002, Beocom6000, Beotalk1200

  • 04-19-2009 5:30 AM In reply to

    • stefan
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: Copy files to the Beomaster 5

    You can connect an external HD to the BM5 via USB. Enter service menu and copy all files directly to the music folder. This is the fastest way, I think.

    That`s how I copied my BM1 library to a backup HD and to BM5.

    Here you can read how to enter the service menu:

    To add new music: I used to do it via Beoconnect, because in normal life I`m a Mac user, in Beolife I try to learn XP (?!). Now I have a Mac mini and a Macbook, both with Beoconnect and Beoplayer. Usually I copy a new CD lossless via Beoplayer - not the fastest way, but the best I think....

    There are user- and service manuals for BM5/BS5 on the product page.....


  • 04-20-2009 6:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Copy files to the Beomaster 5


    If you are not finished yet copying your music, here is what I propose:

    I assume you have a PC with Beoplayer, which can access your NAS as well as BM5 (via Beoplayer).
    This is - by the way - also my environment. My solution is to copy all my music files via windows file-explorer

    (or - for all the long-term-pc-junkies - I use a newer windows version of norton commander which is called "speed-commander" that comes with a filesync application which is very helpful, when NAS changes should update BM5)

    I. easy, quick and dirty

    1. Beoplayer runs on your pc. I assume beoplayer has access to BM5

    2. open file-explorer. BM5 is the network device without drive name. the name of the server should contain "bm-share$"
    (it is only visible, as long as Beoplayer on this PC has a connection to BM5)

    3. select BM5 with explorer, choose "music" menue

    4. open another explorer window and connect to your NAS

    5. copy your music-files via drag and drop

    I use a filesync programm which recognizes every update on my Music Library on the NAS and then synchronizes BM5 with the NAS.
    > there are cheap and mighty tools for that everywhere on the web.


    If you would like to have a PERMANENT network connection to BM5 which is INDEPENDENT to Beoplayer:

    II. The independant way: establish a connection from your PC to BM5 which is independant to Beoplayer

    1. get access to BM5: open beoplayer on your pc. I assume beoplayer has access to BM5

    2. start windows' file-explorer

    3. start explorer's connection dialog - Windows XP file-explorer can connect within the [tools][connect to network device] menu

    a. connect to \\\bm-share$ (where "xxx" and "yyy" match to the network settings of BS5/BM5 - compare to it in the BS5 settings menue)

    b. choose "connect as a different user", enter "DT-CORE\BM-USER" as user and your BM5 access-password (which you might remember from your last thread) as password.

    c. after assigning a drive-letter to that network connection, confirm the dialog-box

    You have now permanent network access to BM5 from your PC.
    Just use a filesync-tool to synchronize BM5 to your library. It works alos still fine if you have updated to new album cover graphics...


  • 09-21-2009 2:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Copy files to the Beomaster 5

    I have tried to copy with an external HD, but XP on my BM5 does not recognise the drive. Have you had the same problem? I have read that disabling the firewire/1384 should do it, but it still does not work. Any suggestions or do I need to format the external HD?


    You can connect an external HD to the BM5 via USB. Enter service menu and copy all files directly to the music folder. This is the fastest way, I think.

    That`s how I copied my BM1 library to a backup HD and to BM5.

    Here you can read how to enter the service menu:

    To add new music: I used to do it via Beoconnect, because in normal life I`m a Mac user, in Beolife I try to learn XP (?!). Now I have a Mac mini and a Macbook, both with Beoconnect and Beoplayer. Usually I copy a new CD lossless via Beoplayer - not the fastest way, but the best I think....

    There are user- and service manuals for BM5/BS5 on the product page.....


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