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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-13-2009 7:10 AM by ablaumeise. 5 replies.
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  • 02-21-2009 2:40 PM

    New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?

    I hope someone can help me with this:

    I still have a Beomaster 2000 (the 80s model) in daily use. It is in perfect out-of-the-box state, without a single scratch. It really looks like it was manufactured just yesterday and still works great.

    But as a perfectionist I have a real problem with the only optical fault: The original red-transparent adhesive tape for the Source LEDs became loose on some spots and there is air under it. I added a picture so you understand what I mean.

    Unlike in the 1900, in the 2000 there are no colored plastic covers above the lights, it is just a adhesive tape taped over the cut-outs in the glass from the inside.

    Where can I get that tape? As I mentioned it is some sort of transparent red tape.

    I am also looking for a green one for the Stereo and the Tuning calibration LEDs.

  • 02-22-2009 6:05 AM In reply to

    Re: New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?

    Are you really sure that it is a tape and no paint? When i look at a MCP5500 or BM5500 then it is a clear paint, printed on the glass.

    And the defects on some MCP's look quite the same like on your BM2000 ...

    I used paint for glass works from the hobby shop.

  • 02-22-2009 9:11 AM In reply to

    Re: New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?

    I disassembled it some time ago; it is definetely tape. Two stripes of red one for the source and volume LEDs and two stripes of green one for the other three LEDs.

    But paint is a good idea, too. I will try to get something in the matching colour.

  • 06-13-2009 6:42 AM In reply to

    Re: New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?

    Maybe someone has the same problem and needs a good solution (I finally had the time to do this):

    I couldn't really find any colours that matched the original colour of the tape. I ended up using coloured transparent paper - looks great and is way easier than painting the whole thing.

  • 06-13-2009 6:57 AM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?

    Looks good mate!
    Does it match well to your volume lights?
    I hope it doesn't fade to brown with the heat from the bulbs.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 06-13-2009 7:10 AM In reply to

    Re: New adhesive tape (Source LEDs) for Beomaster 2000?


    Looks good mate!
    Does it match well to your volume lights?
    I hope it doesn't fade to brown with the heat from the bulbs.

    Andy T.

    Well, as I said before, those are LEDs anyway. So there is no heat. Let's hope it lasts forever. Big Smile

    By the way, it doesn't really change the colour. The LEDs are already green/red anyway.

    The coloured tape (or now paper) is just there because of the B&O perfection thingy. Cool

    If it wasn't there the panel would just be white when the LED is off. I guess they thought it would look silly that way...

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