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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-19-2009 2:40 PM by Peter. 4 replies.
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  • 02-19-2009 9:52 AM

    • raphdjp
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 04-28-2008
    • Bordeaux / France
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    beogram 4000, Beosound 9000 and ground

    Hi, i just install my father's beogram 4000 in my living room. It's in mint condition (first-hand ;-)) and i just had to change the bulb for the 33 speed adjustement screw, do some setup (heigt adjustement, cleaning) and everything working perfectly!

    BUT i can't connect it to my Besound at because i don't have a riaa phone preamp for the moment ( looking at the REGA fono mini or cambridge audio 540/640P)

    For the ground (earth) do i need to change the power plug for a grouded one? The beosound 9000 has no ground connection. If so, should i make a ground connection between the beogram and the phono preamp though?

    Last question, do you think it's worth to change the din cable for a direct RCA cable instead of original cable and din to RCA adaptator cable?


    Beosound 9000 & Beolab 8000 & Beogram 4000

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  • 02-19-2009 10:30 AM In reply to

    Re: beogram 4000, Beosound 9000 and ground

    Very nice Beogram - in my view the best! You do not need to change the powerplug. You should also avoid chopping off the DIN plug as this will decrease the Beogram's value. I would suggest having a look at this site for a suitable RIAA or ask Lee at Lifestyle AV.

  • 02-19-2009 2:10 PM In reply to

    • raphdjp
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 04-28-2008
    • Bordeaux / France
    • Posts 40
    • Gold Member

    Re: beogram 4000, Beosound 9000 and ground

    So the beogram don't need ground/earth wire? 

    just a pics of the 6v-30ma bulb that i've changed.

    Beosound 9000 & Beolab 8000 & Beogram 4000

  • 02-19-2009 2:35 PM In reply to

    Re: beogram 4000, Beosound 9000 and ground

    Suggest you buy your adapter cables from . His cables maintain the ground connection so you will not need a separate earth wire.

    See here

    Regards Graham

  • 02-19-2009 2:40 PM In reply to

    Re: beogram 4000, Beosound 9000 and ground

    That is where my link goes! Laughing

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