Hello everyone,
I've been having a good gander at all the great free information here but have come up short on one particular query.
My brother is getting rid of his BeoCom 6000 setup and this naturally his perked my interest (after all, who'd say no to free B&O,) however I'm living in Australia and the set is from the United States. Specifically it's the original Mark I variant.
I presume there are only a limited number of potential differences and so far I'm assuming:
- RJ-11 connection is universal and I have both the two and four pin cables.
- Power is the standard US 110 volts and I could fix this with either a plug adapter or better yet replace the whole power adapter with a generic one
- Lastly, the frequency is 2.4Ghz which is also used for digital cordless telephones in Australia plus I can change my wireless router frequency channel should there be any interference
In closing, am I right in assuming the phone would have basic functionality? Also, I understand call waiting and caller ID can be country specific?