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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-07-2009 4:37 AM by Medogsfat. 5 replies.
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  • 01-06-2009 12:47 PM

    Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed


     Please can someone help? My beogram 6002 has started to play badly and the the first thing I suspect is the belt (as it's the original one!) and has been apart recently for transporting. I think that it's lost some of it's elasticity so when I put it back together have stretched it slightly.

     I'd be really grateful if someone know's what size/part no it is and where I could get one from? Or even has one for sale?



  • 01-06-2009 3:04 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed

    Hi Phil,

    Welcome to Beoworld !  Yes -  thumbs up

    I can supply the belt but are you sure the belt is the problem ? whar are the symptoms ?


  • 01-06-2009 3:25 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed

    Hi Cheers for the reply. I don't think the belt is the problem anymore, symptoms were sounding out of tune and slowing down speeding up (is this called wowing?)


    This is what I have just written on another site I posted on before finding this:


    Cheers guys, I phoned B&O up, their standard service is £120 which (by B&O standards) doesn't sound too bad. They also said if I bring it in they'll match a new belt to it, he was too worried about getting it wrong without seeing it. Also told me that the MMC2 cartridges are available again in the UK (although at £200 I'd want to be more than sure that it'd make a difference!)


    I just went to Halfords, spent £1.94 on a tin of 3 in 1 oil and WOW what a difference! Cleaned the worm gear on the arm and re-oiled; dripped a bit down the platter spindle/bearing and a couple of drips on the motor spindle. Ran the arm back and forward a few times, span the platter by hand (no belt attached) and (in hindsight maybe not the best idea but got away with it) left the motor running for 5 mins unloaded.

    It now sounds better than it ever has since I've owned it.

    Now I'm off to dig out my record collection :D

    I wonder if B&O would let me try out a new cartridge as I'm sure a 30yr old one must need replacing by now?

  • 01-06-2009 3:40 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed

    Well you've identified the problem and saved yourself a packet. But I would clean off the 3 in 1 oil as it will soon start to thicken & pick up dust which will result in the problem returning, and instead use acid free sewing machine oil.

    I doubt very much if your dealer was offering you a MMC2 at £200 though - far more likely to be a soundsmith SMMC4 which you can actually buy yourself directly from for $149. These are the cartridges which they usually supply to B&O dealerships and very nice they are too.


    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 01-06-2009 6:20 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed

    Cheers I think my mum has some sewing machine oil :D I'll get some off her when I next go and visit.


    Thinking about it he did say they'd imported the cartridges from America so I guess it would be the soundsmith ones. He said they do the equivalent of the MMC2 (that's what I told him I had) although I've actually got an MMC3.

    What's the difference between the soundsmith 2 and 3 - I presume I wouldn't actually notice a difference to my ears? and a new (sound smith) MMC2  would be better than a 25yr old MMC3?

  • 01-07-2009 4:37 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Beogram 6002 Belt size/supplier needed

    The soundsmith SMMC4 is better than the B&O MMC3 (I own both). I don't have a MMC2 to compare with though but I suspect the SMMC4 will hold its own pretty well against it.

    A new soundsmith SMMC2 should in theory be much better but to be honest I couldn't justify the high cost for the amount of vinyl I play.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

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