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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-18-2008 11:12 AM by Steve at Sounds Heavenly. 17 replies.
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  • 09-13-2008 3:53 PM

    BeoLab 4000 - connection


    I need little help. 
    I'm a proud owner of Beosystem 2300 and now I want to by BeoLab 4000 MK1.
    Can I connect at the same time beolab 4000 to BS2300 and my PC ? I want to lisen musick from BS2300 and from my PC on beolab4000?
    And of course can you halp me how to conect this?

    One more question: in the future I want to by another pair of beolab 4000, is it possible to connect 2 pair of BL4000 - beosystem 2300 and PC ?

    Thank you very much!


    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

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  • 09-13-2008 4:02 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Connecting two sources on the whole is not a good idea. The 2300 unfortunately does not support a Beoport but there is still a solution. Have a look at this product. It will also give you control of your PC music.
  • 09-13-2008 4:03 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    And I forgot, yes, you can connect another pair of Beolab 4000s by daisy chaining them.
  • 09-13-2008 4:13 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Hello Peter,
    Thanks for quick replay....

     I'm not shure that I understand what its mean  "daisy chaining them."
    Can you explain me how I can do that?

    And I saw this product that you show me, this I need to connect to my beosystem 2300 ?

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 4:20 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    The product connects the BC2300 to your computer.

    Daisy chaining uses the fact that each Powerlink cable carries both right and left signals which are selected by a switch on the Beolab 4000. There are two Powerlink sockets on the speaker - you attach one cable from the 2300 to the speaker and then connect another cable to the speaker and run it to the second speaker. You can actually connect up to ten pairs this way if you want! 

  • 09-13-2008 4:28 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    I didnt know that.... than I have one more left powerlink on my 2300 so that I can conect pc to it...

    And where I can buy this little cable? or I simly go to the shop that making cables and tell them ?

    sorry about my English.

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 4:44 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    I'm not 100% sure, but isn't there another way? I'll be in a similar position in the near future and I was planing on connecting the speakers to the BeoSound and then connecting the computer to the AUX of the BeoSound via the 3.5mm jack - DIN plug cable. Correct me, if I'm wrong.
  • 09-13-2008 4:53 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Seams logical to me...

    gorissek, vidim da si iz Slovenije, ja sam iz Srbije - Novi Sad :)
    Kakav sistem imas? Ja sam veliki fan B&O...

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 4:58 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    The PC connects to the Aux socket and you control the PC via the 2300 - I think I may have confused you! The cable shown is a bespoke one made by one of our Beoworld members, Ridax. I believe you can order one via his site.
  • 09-13-2008 5:03 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    I dont want to control my pc via BS2300, I simply want to play music from my PC, MAC to my beolab4000 nothing else, plug 3,5 mm jack to my comp. and play music.

    maby I confused....

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 5:11 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    In that case, just run a cable from the audio out to the Aux in of the 2300.
  • 09-13-2008 5:16 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    And this is how the cable looks like. Ask your dealer, he should have them.

    PS. Zivjo, lepo videti se nekoga iz blizine. Kaj imam pa lahko vidis v profilu.

  • 09-13-2008 5:17 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Great ! 
    That is what I wanted to hear :) simple and easy :)

    Thanks Peter!

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 5:22 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    I ja sam se obradovao :)

    Impresivno... kod mene je situacija ovakva Beosystem 2300, Beocenter 1, Beocom 2500.
    Napadam sad beolab 4000 i beocom 2 :)

    Vidim da imas sajt, cime se bavis ?

    Ovo je moj sajt 

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 09-13-2008 5:35 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Predvsem s designom - industrijski in graficni. Me pa zanima tudi to, s cimer se ukvarjas ti - zanimivi projekti : )

    Mislim, da je pametno da ne smetiva vec tukaj gor, lahko pa preko PM.

  • 09-14-2008 1:06 AM In reply to

    • Dave
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • Brisbane, Australia
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    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection


    Predvsem s designom - industrijski in graficni. Me pa zanima tudi to, s cimer se ukvarjas ti - zanimivi projekti : )

    Mislim, da je pametno da ne smetiva vec tukaj gor, lahko pa preko PM.

    Oh i agree Stick out tongue 

    “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

    Your health and well-being comes first and fore-most.



  • 09-14-2008 6:25 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Would you like me to translate it for you : )
  • 09-18-2008 11:12 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoLab 4000 - connection

    Thanks Gorissek,

    I'm glad that my cables are being seen on BeoWorld!  I currently have a number of dealers in the UK who keep these in stock (including LifeStyle AV where your picture came from) and I'm hoping to offer these to franchises across Europe during the coming months.  These iPod cables are intended to be true "hifi" cables for B&O, instead of the usual "bits of wire" of varying quality that are often on offer......

    Best regards,


    Sounds Heavenly Cables are proud to be a sponsor of the BeoWorld Forum!

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