Any thoughts on whether to buy a second hand MMCx from eBay, or go for a SMMCx from Soundsmith?
I was given a Beogram 8002 for free that's now on its way back to me after repair with Tim Jarman. Foolishly I sent the minty MMC2 that came with it in the box, but this ended up as toast thanks to the courier I used >:(
I've only ever owned an MMC4 before, but from the brief time I had the MMC2 fitted up in my Beogram 5005, I know it was really sweet sounding. What I wondered was whether I should look for a used cartridge on eBay (something like an MMC2), or go for a new Soundsmith one (something like an SMMC4 - I can't afford the better spec'd ones!). I know lots of people say the suspension hardens on the older ones, but some people clearly think they're worth it as this is reflected in their resale values.
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society