Robilu: Thanks for the speedy response. How about an ipod or personal stereo as the input (i.e. via single 3.5 phono connection) -- can they plug in directly in the same way?
An iPod will certainly work. The problem might be that you'll need to raise the volume higher than with other inputs as the iPods output isn't exactly line level even at full volume (remeber to turn the volume limiter to max in the settings of the iPod). I am now listening to a track from YouTube thrue my MacBook and Beomaster 901 - (MacBook: volume at max - BM: volume at 4/12).
Track tip: search the forum for the B&O stereo cha-cha-cha and download it! That will be fun listening with any B&O! :)
Bang & Olufsen - The art of controlling sound, picture and light