Hi Keith, all,
My main problem have been that my BEO5 would not connect to my PC. It was OK at the dealer and I downloaded a very basic configuration and updated firmware before I took it back home. Back at home I couldn't get my PC to reconized the BEO5. I kept saying "Device unkown" when I placed it in the charger connected to my PC. The PC reconized that a USB PnP device was connect but it looked like the device (BEO5) didn't respond to any requst about type, manufactore etc. needed to find and install the right driver. A frind of mine also got at BEO5 at the same time and it work fine. I tried mine in his charger connected to his PC in order to rule out any problem with my PC, cabels, charger etc. Same problem on his PC (Device Unkonwn). Then I knew that it was a problem with the BEO5 itself. I thourgt that a total reset maby could help. What I did instead was to wait until the BEO5 was total discharged (took very long time and I had to keep activating it to use as much power as possible). Yesterday after it was totally discharged and was powerd off, I once again tried to conect it to my PC. Guess what happend. It worked as it should. I installed the driver and made a number of downloads. everthin is now OK.
So a learning (maybe for the FAQ section) is to discharge and power down the BEO5 if it have problems communicating with the PC. Still I hope there is a trick to power down and restart the BEO5 without waiting for the battery to go flat (This is the only thime it's a drawback to have long battery life).
Everything is now fine and I quite happy with the BEO5.