The Chinese brand Murano is a new brand and they are now selling Bang & Olufsen ICEpower amplifiers with very fair and cheap prices and. Therefore will the danish AR (Acoustic Reality) olso sell ICEpower cheap from today.
I hope and think that these prices on ICEpower will be stabile , becouse there now at the first time are a europe (danish) reseller of Muranos ICEpower products ?. Murano product are realy High End. ( look for your self on the Murano website)
The High-End brand Jeff Rowland are still taken 7000 US dollar for 1 X 1000 watt ICEpower amplifier (!), so maybee the american olso should beginning to change there prices, iff they still wont to sell B&O ICEpower amplifiers.
Notice. The main differens are only the cabinet... Inside them all; Murano, Rotel, Jeff Rowland, AR ,etc they are all use the pure High-End B&O ICEpower modules, ready for use and plug and play..
From today there are new and cheap prices on ICEpower from and Acoustic Reality
Her are some exsamples
2 x 200 WATT RMS @4 ohm. price 460 Euro, 620 US dollar or 320 pound!
eAR® 202-REF stereo amplifier may be today’s best buy in high-end audio. Few amps can equal its combination of accuracy and musicality, and no amp can beat it when it comes to offering topnotch sound quality at a budget price.
1 X 1000 WATT RMS @4 ohm. Price 840 Euro, 1123 US dollar or 567 pound (x2)
eAR 1001-REF is an improved version of the most sold amplifier in the history of Acoustic Reality. It is a truly reference quality mono-block power amplifier, which represent the state-of-the-art in amplifier design and in ultra-accurate musical reproduction.
And no,- its not difficult. Its very easy to connect, as you can see, and everything will works as normal! But the sound.. WOW .
MURANO ICEpower Amplifers. Intro price in juli month

The danish compagny www.hificable.dk are selling the real high End mark Murano ICEpower amplifier cheaper, but they has not yet make a regular international payment site . Make instead a contact on english.

P-1000S Plus mono: normal price 6.995,- dk kr. . = 940 Euro or 636 pound
Special price juli month 5.995,- dk kr. = 803 Euro or 545 pound
Producent: Web: www.murano-audio.com
Contact the Danish reseller here
Nærumvænge 59, 2. th.
2850 Nærum
Tlf.: +45 3171 5156
Mail: info@hificable.dk
Web: www.hificable.dk


Brand that all use ICEpower or other classe D types as tripath, hypex, zappulse etc.
Ostenisbly, amplifiers with a switching output stage - encompasses digital and anlog input stages, regardless of linear comparator for pulse variation.
Commonly known as digital amplifiers.
(the list are made by Serius Cold , Singapore) http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=594707
Acoustic Reality http://www.acoustic-reality.com/
eAR202, etc (ICEPower)
Aivin http://www.aivin.com.cn/
DT300 (Tripath)
Analog Research Technology http://www.analogresearch-technology.com/
AudioArt (NL) http://www.audioart.nl/
Van Medevoort MA240 (Hypex UcD)
Audiodigit http://www.audiodigit.com/
MC 8x100 (Tripath)
AudioResearch http://www.audioresearch.com/
150.2, 300.2, 150M (Tripath)
AV123 http://www.av123.com/
X-Empower, xAmp (prelaunch)
(Philips class-D?)
B&O http://www.icepower.bang-olufsen.com/sw1067.asp
BelCanto http://www.belcantodesign.com/products.html
Evo (Tripath) eOne (ICEPower)
Bertram http://www.audiokabel.dk/eng-main.htm
Carver http://www.carverusa.com/
300.2, 700.2, 1200.2
Cary Audio http://www.caryaudio.com/
A 306 power amplifier
Channel Islands Audio http://www.ciaudio.com/
D100, D200 (Hypex UcD)
Chapter Audio http://www.chapteraudio.co.uk/
Couplet Power Amp (proprietary WMP class-D)
D-Sonic http://www.d-sonic.net/
Magnum (ICEPower)
DIYCable http://www.diycable.com/
Exodus (Hypex UcD)
Egosys http://www.egosys.co.jp/
Audiotrak DrAMP (Tripath)
Elan http://www.elanhomesystems.com/
D1200, D1600 (12 and 16 channel power amps, Tripath)
Electronic Visionary Systems http://www.tweakaudio.com/
EVS-2 (ICEPower)
Flying Mole http://www.flyingmoleelectronics.com/
(proprietary class-D)
Gilmore Audio http://www.glacieraudio.com/
Raven, Raptor, Dragonfly m/ch (looks like ICE)
Halcro http://www.halcro.com/logic/home.asp
H2O Audio http://www.iceh2oaudio.com/
M250, M500 (ICEpower)
Integra /Onkyo http://www.integrahometheater.com/
DTA 9.4 7x120W 8Ω
Jeff Rowland http://www.jeffrowland.com/
Jjaz Audio http://www.jjaz.dk/
Kharma http://www.kharma.com/
LC Audio http://www.lcaudio.com/
Predator SE (ZapPulse)
Marantz http://www.marantz.jp
Opsodis ES-150 (D2Audio) 2ch virtual surround
Medius [DK] http://www.medius.cc/
MG Audiolabs http://www.mglaudiolabs.com/
Symphony (Hypex UcD)
Midgard Audio http://www.midgardaudio.no/www/
MindCraft (NL) http://www.mindcraft.nl/
Media Amp One (Hypex UcD)
Murano-Audio (TW) http://www.murano-audio.com/
P500, P1000 (ICEPower)
NHT http://nhthifi.com/
Power2, Power5 (ICEpower)
Nuforce http://www.nuforce.com/
Ref 8, Ref 8b, Ref 9 (nPhysics proprietary class-D)
NuVo Technologies http://www.nuvotechnologies.com/
Onkyo http://www.onkyo.com/
A-1VL, A-9755, A-9555 (?)
PSAudio http://www.psaudio.com/
Red Dragon Audio http://www.reddragonaudio.com/
RedWineAudio http://www.redwineaudio.com/
Clari-T, Lotus (Tripath)
Rotel http://www.rotel.com/
1077 (7x100), 1092 (2x500) (ICEPower)
Sharp http://www.sharpusa.com/
SM-SX1, SM-SX100
Sonicweld (Icepower) http://www.sonicweld.com/ Thanks to Emmanuel92
Sonneteer http://freespace.virgin.net/sonneteer.audio/bronte.html
Brontë (Tripath)
Sony http://www.sony.com/
TA-DA9000ES, TA-FA1200ES (S-Master)
Spectron http://www.spectronav.com/
Musician, Troubador (int amp w digital inputs)
TactAudio/Lyngford http://www.tactaudio.dk/ http://www.lyngford.com/
Millennium & others (Equibit)
TEAC Esoteric http://teac.co.jp/av/esoteric/
AZ-1 pre-main (translated)
ThetaDigital http://www.thetadigital.com/
Virtu PowerDAC (Zetex class-Z)
UniwaveTek http://www.uniwavetek.com/
Anaco II
Yamaha http://www.yamaha.com/
Thanks to SiriuslyCold, Singapore
Is there missing some brands?
Thanks to our friend Peter Pan for help and support.
visit all his treads with more B&O stuff, pictures and great links primary about B&O
Push on the PC, and enjoy more B&O

Visit the biggest danish B&O forum sites and get more info and ideas http://www.hifi4all.dk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=44109&PN=11
Guide to make differens DIN/phono, ect plugs to B&O set-up http://www.hifi4all.dk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=32157&PN=1