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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-28-2007 12:34 PM by BeoET. 2 replies.
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  • 12-27-2007 6:53 AM

    • BeoET
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    Beo5 for Xmas - and now...

    .. I'm programming it to fits our needs Smile. The main purpose for the Beo5 in our house is to have a more user friendly way of controlling the DVD Controller (in our case for a Sony RDR-HX1010). My wife and the kids haven’t learnt the cryptic (poor usability!)  “Go+0”, “Go+Red”, “Go + ">” Beo4 combinations needed to control the DVD/HDD drive.

    Currently I've set it up with a number of DVD/HDD buttons; Menu, Use DVD, Use HDD, Prev/Next ("Play"+"StepUp") etc etc, but currently I cannot find out how to do the following properly:

    1) Set the Format to 4:3 (Format + 1 + left arrow) (I need this when watching old Hi8/DV-home videos on the Sony HDD..)
    2) Set the Format back to 16:9 (Format + 1)
    3) Select a menu item on the DVD - "System menu"+ "Go"+ "Go"

    For 1) the current macro is as follows:


    (The 2) have a similar macro - only without the last line).

    These commands works fine, but the problem is that AFTER these commands have been run, the "Format" is active, and hence the DVD-macros don't workHuh?. I've tried to add the following line:


    but then the DVD/HDD turn itself off?!?! The DVD/HDD now turns itself off if I use the DVD-command on the Beo4, but it has never done that before?!? The normal Standby-command for the DVD/HDD is: "Go"+"Stop"...

    Any ideas? How can one finalize the "Format" command so that the next command works in DVD-mode?

    For the last problem - the "How to select a menu item in a menu on the Sony DVD/HDD", I have made the following macro (corresponding to the Beo4 commands "Orange" - wait for the on-screen-menu ot appear, then "Go"+"Go"):

    Delay: 450ms
    Delay: 450ms
    Delay: 50ms

    I've tried quite a number of combinations of delays, with and without Continuous set, without any luck...Unsure The System menu command on the DVD/HDD unit gets displayed, but the two "Go" commands are not being recognized.

    Any ideas about this one?

  • 12-27-2007 7:15 AM In reply to

    • BeoET
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    Re: Beo5 for Xmas - and now...

    I found a solution to the 1) + 2) problems above, added just these two lines at the bottom of the maco:


    Then the DVD/HDD does NOT turn itself off, and it is left in DVD-mode Smile

    The last challenge - #3 above - I've not yet solved... Any ideas?

    BTW: What is the best way to turn on the TV/DVD with only the centre speaker (BV5) on? I've currently added these lines to the "TV" and the "DVD" buttons:


    (and similar for the DVD). When the children watch Cartoon network or similar, I find it better to only use the BV5 speakers. I've added two buttons "TV sound" (Speaker-1) and "Movie sound" (Speaker-3) that can be reached from the TV-station page...Is there a better way to "force" the speaker-1 setting when turning on the TV?

  • 12-28-2007 12:34 PM In reply to

    • BeoET
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    Re: Beo5 for Xmas - and now...

    Anyone - is it possible to have ONE macro that sends two subsequent Beo4-commands:

    1) sends a launch command for the menu on the DVD/HDD unit
    2) wait for a while
    3) sends two Go-commands (0:000:TV:PLAY) to select the default menu item on the menu?

    This code does not work - it only displays the menu, and does not select (Go+Go) the default menu item:
    Delay: 450ms
    Delay: 450ms
    Delay: 50ms

    What is wrong here?

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