I have had an Avant with Beo4 remote for about 7 years now - apart from having to get the tube replaced earlier this year, it's still a great tv! Anyhow, my q is about the remote control.
I love the feel of the weight of the Beo4 &, as much as you can have favourite remopte, it is my fave remote! I've even mentioned them to hifi manufacturers who turn out flimsy plastic jobs - anyone prepared to pay out 2k for a seperate is willing to pay a premium for a tasty remote!
Anyhow, back to the q - it has always frustrated me that when playing a dvd there's no button to press to take me back to the main menu - OR IS THERE? It get on my nerves when i reach the end of a film & want to see the extras, but i have to sit through the credits &, often, the legal warnings about piracy in 101 different languages!
So? IS there a shortcut whereby i can instantly access the main menu at any time?
thanks in advance!