Please note that the DIN plugs shown above will not work!
Around the rim, on the lower left hand side under the screen in between the grille and the bodywork of your BeoVision 3, there are 3 coloured RCA sockets which look vaguely similar to this:
The white and red ones are for audio, white being LEFT audio, and red being RIGHT audio. The yellow is for video if you want to connect your iPod via video to the BeoVision as well.
You'll need one of these cables for audio:
This connects to the headphones output of your iPod, and the left/right inputs of the BeoVision.
To activate these inputs, press the LIST button on your remote control until you see 'CAMCORD' or 'CAMERA' on the screen and press go. Obviously, be wary that the output from some iPods is very very high, so I'd start with the volume down low.
Hope this helps! If you don't have either of those options on your remote control, post back in here and we'll show you how to add it...