I have just replaced the drop downfront keypanel on my Beomaster 5000.
Since connecting back up, the quality of the sound has changed.
Initially for the first 20 seconds aprox when in radio mode, the station needs re tuning.
This happens automatically and the sound assumes a tuned quality.
Also the level of volume decreased, this can be adjusted by increasing the volume level, but
there is a difference from about 2.6 original level, which needs adjusting to 3.0- 3.2 .
I also tried the CD player, for a comparison. The sound volume started too high with distortion , upon lowering it went away.
Distortion starts at aprox 3.0, which really is not that loud.
As I have cx100 speakers fitted, they are more than adequate to deal with the low levels of volume.Also it worked perfectly until i repaired the front part of the amplifier !!!l
Can anyone help with a suggestion for the cause?
I do have my doubts, that some stattic has affected some of the circuit during the repair. How likely is this?