We might share our ideas about how to make our Beo5s easier to use.
As an attachment to this thread, here is the first part of a pdf file (second part is in the next message) containing the ideas I tried to "turn into keys" and screenshots of my config file.
Don't hesitate to leave me comments.
No logos, except from the TV and radio channels.
This is deliberate, as I find the "text" mode more elegant, even if I use colour from times to times.
Furthermore, feel free, if you want to, to share your good ideas with the rest of the community.
Have a nice sunday,
Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!
Mon install en images: cliquez sur mon profil, au dessus de mon avatar - Puis "My files" tout en bas.
Pictures of my setup: click on my nickname, above my avatar. Then "my files" at the bottom of the page.