Hi All
Ive read in the papers lately about all of the dozen or so premier league football players homes being broken into and the thieves targeting their Supercars and Bang & Olufsen equipment. Well my shiney red car is fully insured and trackered but I have decided to compile a full list of all my B&O kit and the serial numbers. I will also take pictures of everything aswell all for insurance purposes (shame you cant still a tracking device of some of this kit !!)
Need some help with my Beocom 2, have got the serial off the base charger but need to get one off the handset ....anyone got any ideas how to access this in the menu as unlike all other b&o kit where there is usually a sticker serial number I can't see anywhere on the BC2 where they could put this ?? Also need A9 keyring & LC2 controllers if you know where the S/N is located. I dont fancy taking my beovision 4 off the wall but I think there is a menu in the service mode which lists the s/n aswell .... i will dig this out and check.