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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-08-2007 7:09 AM by Peter. 3 replies.
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  • 11-08-2007 1:34 AM

    • jackafrica
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 11-08-2007
    • Tasmania, Australia
    • Posts 36
    • Silver Member

    beomaster 1700 - can a CD be used, if so which models of CD please


       My first post as a prospective owner, may I please ask if a CD player can be used with the old beomaster 1700 ?

    If yes, then which B&O units would be suitable ?

    If no, then which model B&O amplifier/receiver ( keeping in mind that I prefer the early style ) would I need to seek out ?

    Thanks, I look forward to being a useful owner once I have sorted which model will suit my needs.

    My major needs being to play vinyl on a turntable, listen to CDs, with better radio reception listen to FM.

    I'm a mature age sort of bloke who appreciates the style of B&O from the '70s and '80s.




    cheers richard
  • 11-08-2007 1:42 AM In reply to

    Re: beomaster 1700 - can a CD be used, if so which models of CD please

    Yes - the CDX would be the obvious choice though you will need a RCA to DIN adapter as the CDX has captive RCA plugs. It will attach via the Tape input.

    Welcome to Beoworld. 

  • 11-08-2007 5:20 AM In reply to

    • jackafrica
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 11-08-2007
    • Tasmania, Australia
    • Posts 36
    • Silver Member

    Re: beomaster 1700 - can a CD be used, if so which models of CD please

    Thanks Peter,

                        I'll keep an eye out for the CDX.

                 Is the din plug required a 5pin or 7pin ?

    Thanks too for the welcome.



    cheers richard
  • 11-08-2007 7:09 AM In reply to

    Re: beomaster 1700 - can a CD be used, if so which models of CD please

    5 pin as there is no remote control either on the 1700 or indeed the CDX. I use a CDX every day and they are good sounding decks despite being 14 bit! By far the most suitable for older equipment as you have all the controls available. I use mine with a Beomaster 4400.
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