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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-03-2007 8:12 PM by GSHaigh. 4 replies.
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  • 10-10-2007 6:52 PM

    • GSHaigh
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • North West UK
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    Naming Screens


    I'm thinking about how I will setup my Beo 5 when it arrives in a week or so.  In particular with Sky (DTV) and BeoMedia.

    With Sky,  I'd like to be able to select DTV or even rename it Sky (which I know is possible) an be presented with a main screen that will probably have the main functions I use,  i.e planner, record and a few other things.  I would the like a set of screens for each channel class,  say "Entertainment", "Music",  "Movies", and maybe one 'Greg's Favorties' or "Andrea's Favorites".  Can you rename screens like this?

    I'm interested to know if anyone had there Beo 5 configured for BeoMedia and how you have it setup.


  • 10-10-2007 7:08 PM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Naming Screens

    Yes Greg to renaming screens.
    I have called my 'DTV' button 'SKY' and when I press 'SKY' I get a sreen of a few commonly used logos and in the middle of them, I have a button I called 'SKY+'
    When I press that it goes straight into the planner screen.
    The 'record' button will need changing to 'Go:Red' otherwise it will just try to record on your VCR instead of your Sky+ hard disk.
    As for Beomedia, I can't help I'm afraid. Perhaps Keith Saunders will help tomorrow.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 10-11-2007 9:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Naming Screens


    I have not tried a setup with a Beomedia in the configuration yet, but I would say it will be very straight forward from a users viewpoint.

    However, I would draw your attention to other areas you may wish to consider related to Icons and general placement and renaming of keys. The dealers, for example have all the basic TV channel icons, but radio is limited mainly to the BBC channels, so you may wish to define what other station icons you need. I am currently compiling a list of the more common UK radio icons for download which can be provided to your dealer.

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-02-2007 10:32 AM In reply to

    Re: Naming Screens

    Hi Greg,

    I am just sorting out my BeoMedia menus - do you still want info on this?

    I have to say, given the hype from B&O about BEO5 being the perfect partner for BeoMedia, I was hugely surprised to see that there is not built in menu system for BeoMedia, unless I am missing something?  N.MUSIC and N.RADIO have menus, which are basic but fine - and can easily be enhanced.  But I would have expected a BeoMedia menu to give access to the four sources, with submenus for each and the ability to go from MUSIC to RADIO etc etc.  I only found the PC menu, which offers nothing to do with BeoMedia really.

    If you like I will post some screen shots of my setup, you might find it useful to show to the dealer if they haven't done it yet.




  • 11-03-2007 8:12 PM In reply to

    • GSHaigh
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • North West UK
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    Re: Naming Screens


    Thanks for the response.  I'd be interested to see your screenshots for BeoMedia.  I have mine configured now and working but I too a disapointed by the lack of "integration" with BeoMedia.  I hope B&O have something up their sleeves!


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