I was fiddling around with wiring my new beoport to a FrontRow enabled Mac Mini, and decided to see how it would fare with powerlink speakers connected to the beoport box.
I had already masterlinked the beoport to the mini, and had success with the speakers still connected to the ML'd BS9000 in the same room it worked flawlessly!
Well, when I connected the speakers to the Beoprt box directly: (Beoport <---->.MkIII PL cable <---> Beolab 2 <------ MkIII PL cable----> pair of Beolab 3s).
Well, now, I hear a repetitive bass hum... hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm, and it won't stop, not even when I quit itunes.
Is it the fact that I have a BL 2 connected to it?
Mind you, I only did this to satisfy my curiosity, no more. I don't intend to have the speakers directly connected to the Beoport Box, but should it do this?
Love B&O, but no longer addicted.