Well I got back from my business trip to China, to discover that
despite wrapping it up well, a bottle of local whiskey I'd bought had
brokenmid flight and spiltthrough my bag. Included in the list of wet
items was my Macbook.
Since then, I've left it to dry for a week
and after powering up, it works fine; then I realised that it was on
battery and that they light on the power adapter wasn't coming on.
Anyway, I went along to a local computer service place near work where
they (honestly) said they could fix it and return within 90 days at
great cost. I was therefore wondering:
Is the fault likely to be a fuse, in which case case is it something I could fix myself if I opened it up?
How long/much is it likely to be if I take an hour off work to go further afield and get the Apple store to look at it?