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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-22-2007 9:46 AM by PhilLondon. 4 replies.
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  • 08-18-2007 5:19 PM

    BeoVision 7-40, differences between US and EU-versions

    Hello. I have asked B&O the following.... (if anyone knows it, please answer here. When I get the answer from B&O I will also post it here...


    When choosing Denmark as country on the B&O website (or any other EU country) and then opens the specifications for BeoVision 7 the following file opens:

    Here I learn that the resolution for BeoVision 7-40 is 1366x768 and other things like 1 DVI-I connector etc.

    If I then choose United States as country on the website and once again opens the specifications for the same TV, this file opens:

    The US-sold T V differs from the EU-version on several subjects like a better resolution (1920x1080) (which is REAL HD), 3 HDMI-connectors etc.

    How come there are such major differences between the US and EU BeoVision 7-40? I live in Denmark, and B&O is manufactured in Denmark, so I wonder why US have a better edition of a TV that is made in Denmark.

    Will the EU-version have the updates in the near future?

  • 08-18-2007 5:28 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 7-40, differences between US and EU-versions

    Hi welcome to beoworld.

    The EU version is a mrk2 and the US is a mrk3, I think the mrk3 soon will be in the EU shops...

    Mrk3 has the beosystem3 that you also find in BV9 and 4.

  • 08-19-2007 1:33 PM In reply to

    • Roger
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Re: BeoVision 7-40, differences between US and EU-versions

    mkIII slippes mest sannsynlig neste måned (september) på det skandinaviske markedet...


  • 08-22-2007 9:02 AM In reply to

    • Munin
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: BeoVision 7-40, differences between US and EU-versions

    Hi Roger!

    Are you sure? I've been asking B&O dealers in two different stores in Sweden. They hadn't even heard of the FullHD BV740, on the contrary they were quite convinced that there will be no such product any time soon. Beo5 was to come and the Serenata telephone - but no TV apart from the already existing BV9. I protested and argued that even the manual could be read online, but this was just something for the American market I was told. Do you mean that the actual telly is going to show up in September or just that the knowledge of such a future product will show up in the stores?



  • 08-22-2007 9:46 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 7-40, differences between US and EU-versions

    It will come, we know for sure, the socket panel picture of the BV7 was leaked here on this forum, and it had scart sockets, so it is the EU version.

    What we do not know is when!


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