I have my S45-2s connected to a BM3000-2 and I think they produce plenty of bass with the tone controls (including loudness) defeated. I chalk this up the fact that I have a very small room, though. Before I started to refurbish my system, I used loudness during most of my listening. Now that I can listen to the system again, I find the loudness far too boomy. However, I still have some work and experimentation left to do.
On the topic of positioning, all of the previous comments are great. Cornering is the easiest way to improve bass response. There is one more trick though... Place them on a shelf mounted to the wall. This will add a bunch of bass.
I have a lot of experience with Conas (I have two of them), and they are great for small speakers. I think a Cona would definitely help your situation, but only slightly. As Mr. Mediabobny showed above the S45-2 and Cona overlap completely. Why do I think the Cona can still add? It has two ports and has volume. Worth a try!