I tried to connect headphones to my AV9000 via my Beosystem 7000 the other day. The speakers connected to AV9000 via masterlink to Beomaster 7000. When turning on the cd, one can hear the music through the headphones, but it´s not possible to change the volume. If one turn on the AV9000 one can hear that the music from the cd still is play through the headphones but the sound from the tv-program plays via the speakers.
I guess there is something one can do with settings to make this work correctly? The AV9000 is a Beo4 version and the Beosystem is set on one-way communication.
Many years ago I had an MX7000. It had a built-in headphone jack, which the AV9000 don´t have as far as I can tell. My Beosystem 7000 is not placed ideal when watching tv. I am considering wireless headphones if I can make this work. It is not critical, but sometimes late at night it could be nice to be able to keep the volume up. Especially if everyone else is sleeping.