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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-03-2012 7:24 PM by Piaf. 1 replies.
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  • 01-02-2012 10:24 PM

    • Piaf
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-08-2007
    • Victoria, British Columbia
    • Posts 409
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    BeoSound 2000 Cassette issue

    I have been having an ongoing problem with my BeoSound 2000 for months in that the cassette player only works intermittently.


    I replaced the belt and the cassette player works perfectly when partially disassembled, however, when I put it all back together the cassette engages plays for a second, reversers and plays a second, and stops.


    This can be repeated several times with no difference.


    However, with nothing changed, the tape untouched, when I try later the tape plays flawlessly for 5 minutes or more until it again stops, changes direction and then stops completely.


    Today I tried again for the heck of it and the taped played all the way to the end of the tape, I held my breath and it reversed direction and played for about 10 minutes before the usual stop, reverse, stop.


    Any ideas what could be causing this very peculiar problem?


    I know that something is triggering the double-reversing but have NO idea what.


    Any ideas will be more than welcome



  • 01-03-2012 7:24 PM In reply to

    • Piaf
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-08-2007
    • Victoria, British Columbia
    • Posts 409
    • Founder

    Re: BeoSound 2000 Cassette issue

    Hi Martin,

    I tried to respond to your suggestion, but I am not sure if my response was sent. If not, here it is.

    The "interesting" thing here is the cassette player worked fine when the unit was partially disassembled, however once reassembled the player has the problem I described.

    That said, the last time I took a crack at resolving the problem the player also displayed the same problem with the unit partially disassembled.

    At this point I have stopped trying to fix the problem and it has become something of a "game" with me to see if I can get the player to play a tape. Nine times out of ten the player performs as described, plays in one direction for a second and then reverses, plays for a second and stops.

    Two days ago this game led to the player playing the tape for about twelve minutes, coming to the end of the tape, reversing and then playing for about five minutes. Then the deadly stop hit and it was game over.

    It is possible the belt is too tight, but I believe that I purchased the correct belt.

    I neglected to mention that fast forward and fast reverse are also affected. That is to say the unit only goes in either mode for a second or two and then stops.


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