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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-23-2011 8:50 PM by rpaul63. 3 replies.
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  • 12-20-2011 12:21 PM

    Beogram 5000 - Anyone have a tonearm assembly for sale?

    I recently received bad news form the Soundsmith that a lifting component within the tonearm assembly of my 5000 could not be repaired.  They suggested possibly replacing it (they didn't want to tackle that) or cannibalize a unit or two and re-build around a functioning tonearm assembly.  Any thoughts on a better option?  This unit was sold as NOS off ebay, cosmetically flawless - would really like to repair it.  Thanks in advance for suggestions/guidance!


  • 12-22-2011 1:52 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beogram 5000 - Anyone have a tonearm assembly for sale?

    I have a rough but working RX2 ..  would anyone know if this could be used for parts for this job??


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 12-23-2011 3:38 AM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: Beogram 5000 - Anyone have a tonearm assembly for sale?

    So they want to remove the whole arm assembly? I would think the RX Lee talks about should be fine I am not aware of anything technically different between any of these decks apart from data link etc..


  • 12-23-2011 8:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 5000 - Anyone have a tonearm assembly for sale?

    Thanks Lee, Olly for the feedback, sorry for the tardy response.  I am awaiting return of the unit from the Soundsmith so I can crack the cover myself and guage the situation.  I will, at that time, be able to take some pictures and provide addtional information.  I had good success recently repairing a Beogram 8000 so this hopefully will be managable!  The shipping of these darn things can wreak havoc.  I'll reach back out shortly - Lee, if it seems like a workable solution (RX2 parts), I would like to talk more about your offer!  Thanks again guys.

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