Hi ok so the position detector is more likely fine then. Regarding the solenoid arms yes you need to pull them all off including the damper clean out with isopropyl and re-lube (singer oil or light machine oil is great NOT 3in1) and install. You might have to adjust the damper after relubing - please don't screw the screw down much below the top I have recently seen a few examples and it basically wrecks them! Anyway, there is a small angled arm, attached to the inside of the sesnor arm base that links the tone arm to the damper which possibly might need freeing up and lubing, but I do not recomend you remove the sensor arm unless you are happy you can get it back DEAD straight and in EXACTLY the right spot!
Regarding the tonearm sled no there should be no speed change throughout its journey. Not sure if you said you had replaced the belts (again contact Martin) but I should imagine the worm gear (screw thread) needs cleaning of old gunk and relubing with a mineral oil. Also, it is absolutely important that the worm is parrallel to the motion of the sled motion and at right angles to the bearing that holds it near the motor. Again I remove this part but you could clean and relube without removal.
Make sure it is parallel (both vertically and horizontally) with the metal guides along their length (move sled to extremes, but bear in mind the worm might have a slight bend which complicates things!) and if anything is out there are two screws to adjust horizontal parallelism and two for vertical on the bracket. It is important the bracket remains at right angles to the thread as this will bind if not.
You may find a simple clean and relube plus new belt (don't forget to degrease and clean pulley's!) is enough (also don't forget the nylon bearing holding the screw thread near the motor!) but I just pull everything out when I service anyway so all the above has to be bourn in mind!
It is very revealing to use a current meter in series with the motor and run the arm back and forth a few times if anything is wrong here you will see it in the reading!
Anyway, please take your time with this deck and make sure you double check everything, it is too easy to forget something and then things can go very wrong very quickly!