Hi Guys!
I've recently bought myself a Beogram 1202, a Beomaster 1200, and a pair of Beovox s55 speakers :) Got to say i am very happy, and excited to have this set-up.
I have already started by stripping down, and carefully restoring/cleaning the Beomaster 1200, which is going well... however, my Beogram 1202 has a slight issue...
The problem is that the previous owner (who incidently had it from new) failed to mention to me that the arm fails to move into position. I took the back off to see what was going on inside, and found that the thin metal rod (the one with the little white wheel shaped bit of platic on the end) had popped out of position, and was floating around, un-atached to the central cog mechanism. This is obviously why it wouldn't move when prompted, and felt like it had no resistance when moving the arm (The arm just felt like it could swing about in either direction)
I had to take the central cog/cam off very carfully to take a look at whats happening inside there, and have taken pictures so you guys can see what i'm refering too! I'm in need of help here, because i'm not quite sure how this rod fits back into the equation, and thus provides the arm with it's movement once more. It would be handy to know if there are any parts missing, and if indeed there are any broken parts that i need to know of - hopefully, it is just a case of putting it back into the right position, with no further worries :)
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks
This is the deck with bottom taken off:
This is with the cog, and silent switch arm taken off - to show the automatic arm lever that has popped out of position:
This is the central cog/cam - both top & bottom sides of it - is there anything missing from this??: