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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-12-2011 3:34 PM by f5434964. 12 replies.
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  • 06-05-2011 7:12 AM

    Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    Hello there!

    Just found some IR codes (hope so ;-) eg 727 170 000 000 000 000 000) for my pioneer kuro PDP LX5090H but I can not manage to build a xml file or to get those codes in my Beo5

    Trying to change an IR code within the config tool the button "third party IR" is always inactive - so I can not change anything

    XML file: tried to understand this language by checking already existing files - but I did not find any according data to my "number" (like example above)

    Even on my TV is listed under "uploaded products";

    Any idea? Please give me a hint!

    regards, elmar

  • 06-05-2011 12:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5


    Just found some IR codes (hope so ;-) eg 727 170 000 000 000 000 000) for my pioneer kuro PDP LX5090H but I can not manage to build a xml file or to get those codes in my Beo5

    The string starting 727 is NOT the IR codes, they are Lintronic codesets. Interestingly codeset 727 appears to be no longer supported by Lintronics software.

    Pioneer uses a modified NEC protocol with the key difference related to the start pulse period, so as most up to date Pioneer products tend to use similar IR codesets you could look at using the codes for a similar age product. I found HERE on remotecentral the Pronto HEX codes which can be converted and then you could test a couple of commands.

    You may wish to check the number on your remote control, the above link is for products which use remote control model AXD1460

    Regards Keith....

  • 06-06-2011 1:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    ...the brain himself...

    Thanks Keith for your answer; my remote says AXD1563; (also works on VXX2889) but there should be a way to manage it...first I thought I can do it but those IR codes and different systems are a bit tricky; even on your site the link "NEC Protocol" under "3rd party" leads to which is the same on "overview"; I do not quite understand to which kind of protocol I would have to change the Pronto HEX codes to apply them to the beo5; there is a xml file for a pioneer dvd player - maybe a least some functions would work but I do not manage to interpret how to change the commands

    I already did many electronic things on my own but this seems to be to complicated...

    regards, elmar 

  • 06-06-2011 3:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5


    It's true, this is a complex subject, more so than most people think.

    Converting Philips Pronto HEX codes to a RAW HEX string is not a minor task either. To help you understand I have converted the Pronto codes which was at the link in my previous posting and produced an XML file which you can test, but more importantly review to help your understanding.

    So, from the Pronto HEX codes for Pioneer PDP-4330HD we have an XML which you can download from HERE

    Anyway give it a test and see how you get on.

    Regards Keith....

  • 06-06-2011 8:57 PM In reply to

    • Matthew
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    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5


    I created an XML file for my PDP-C509A a couple of years ago using the Lintronic box to capture the codes and the Lintronic software to generate the XML file. Runs very well on our Beo5. Happy to send on to you to test. I think the LX has a bit more functionality than our TV, but most things should work the same. PM me if you're interested.


  • 06-07-2011 12:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    Hello! Thanks for your help!

    @Keith: XML file has been integrated fine (copied to directory "thirdparties"); but the TV doesn't show any reaction...interessting fact is that the new "pioneer"  button opens a submenue which has only three pages on the beo5 but 5 pages within the config tool...the last to pages are cut off...opening now the xml file and try to understand (a little) your work

    @Matthew: your file would be fine as well - I've sent you my mail address within the contacts menu; hope you can see it;


    regards, Elmar

  • 06-26-2011 4:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5


    Haven't found any working file yet but at there are is much information to work with;

    Keiths the xml generator should be downloadable for silver and gold members - is this still possible? And can anybody tell me please which ir codecs could be converted? The database mentioned above includes some hex files (but very very few files), lots of ir codes (like AA08 or AAC1), pronto files (ending *.ccf) and *.mxf files

    Is there a chance to get a working xml file out of those information/database?

    Regards, Elmar 

  • 06-30-2011 2:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5


    The link to the Pioneer web site is excellent and has all the commands in hexadecimal form, but unfortunately your model number is not in the list almost certainly because the site is focused on US versions.

    If you have a list of Hexadecimal codes for each command (button press) then this can be converted into a useable XML file.

    In the example you quoted of AA08 and AAC1, AA is the device address and 08 and C1 are the commands.

    The Beo5/6 3rd party XML generator is available for download to all Silver and gold members, BUT is only useful to you if you have access to a capture device which can capture the codes from the original remote.

    Assuming you do not have acess to a IR capture device, I suggest you look at all the Plasma HEX codes listed on the Pioneer site and find one for a product which was manufacturered in the same year as your product and then there is a chance that the codes are the same.

    If the above options do not work then the only option would be to capture the IR codes from the original remote

    Regards Keith....

  • 07-02-2011 1:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    Keith Saunders:


    The link to the Pioneer web site is excellent and has all the commands in hexadecimal form, but unfortunately your model number is not in the list almost certainly because the site is focused on US versions.

    If you have a list of Hexadecimal codes for each command (button press) then this can be converted into a useable XML file.

    In the example you quoted of AA08 and AAC1, AA is the device address and 08 and C1 are the commands.

    The Beo5/6 3rd party XML generator is available for download to all Silver and gold members, BUT is only useful to you if you have access to a capture device which can capture the codes from the original remote.

    Assuming you do not have acess to a IR capture device, I suggest you look at all the Plasma HEX codes listed on the Pioneer site and find one for a product which was manufacturered in the same year as your product and then there is a chance that the codes are the same.

    If the above options do not work then the only option would be to capture the IR codes from the original remote


    Hello Keith!
    I found out that the US PDP 5080HD was built at the same time as my 5090 (as well as the monitor PRO-141FD); for both models there are remote codes (files) available; looking again at the xml file which you already wrote for me I could not find out which code was converted and how it was converted; typing eg AA08 in a hexdecimal converter I get 43528 (decimal) and 1010101000001000 (binary) - but the xml file contains $xxxx as remote commands - I can't find out how to convert the codes correctly....

    The other way would be getting a linctronic box to capture the IR codes - is there any kind/type preferable?

    regards elmar


  • 07-04-2011 8:06 PM In reply to

    • Matthew
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    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    The other way would be getting a linctronic box to capture the IR codes

    ...or you could give my xml file a try as a last resort before going down this route.

    We could try PM again - despite the fact it didn't seem to be successful last time. Just let me know.

  • 07-08-2011 2:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    Hello Matthew

    Would be great to get your xml file; I haven't found out how to send you a PM; clicking on "contact" there is no link to send you an email; I just started a "conversation" (eg "contact" from Keith offers many options...including mail-contact)

    So I would be very glad getting your xml-file - if it does not work please tell I would risk to post my address; or just click on contact within one of my postings - my address is shown

    regards Elmar



    The other way would be getting a linctronic box to capture the IR codes

    ...or you could give my xml file a try as a last resort before going down this route.

    We could try PM again - despite the fact it didn't seem to be successful last time. Just let me know.


  • 07-11-2011 7:57 PM In reply to

    • Matthew
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    • Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    clicking on "contact" there is no link to send you an email


    Hello Elmar,

    Sincere apologies. I had my profile set to exclude the option to receive emails, which is why you couldn't reach me. I've updated this now, so you should be able to contact me.

    In the meantime, I have tried sending you another PM, so hopefully this works and we can establish email contact. Let me know if it's successful,



  • 07-12-2011 3:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Pioneer Plasma with Beo5

    Hello Matthew!
    I just send an email via "contact button" - hopefully you'll get it soon!

    regards elmar

    (Could not find any links to read PMs...) 



    clicking on "contact" there is no link to send you an email


    Hello Elmar,

    Sincere apologies. I had my profile set to exclude the option to receive emails, which is why you couldn't reach me. I've updated this now, so you should be able to contact me.

    In the meantime, I have tried sending you another PM, so hopefully this works and we can establish email contact. Let me know if it's successful,




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