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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-05-2011 8:06 AM by tournedos. 2 replies.
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  • 03-05-2011 1:58 AM

    MX7000 TV will not turn on

    I have 10 year old MX7000 tv which is on standby but when I try to turn it on with the remote, the red light momentarily turns to green then immediately back to red and thus fails to turn on. This is now a permanent situation whereas in the previous months it would simply turn itself off without warning and I would have to restart it.

    Any ideas how to solve or what could be the problem ?  Thanks

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  • 03-05-2011 6:20 AM In reply to

    Re: MX7000 TV will not turn on

    I had a smiliar problem but the light didn't turn green, it was the power board in the end this was on a mx4000. Hope your is a easier fix cheers Nick

  • 03-05-2011 8:06 AM In reply to

    Re: MX7000 TV will not turn on

    It will most likely need a bunch of capacitors replaced and/or solder joints redone.

    If you search the forum, you will find a lot of similar cases, like these:

    ...and an excellent repair workshop on the preceding models, which have much in common with your MX7000:

    As the red standby light still comes on, the power supply is still partly working and there probably isn't that much damage. But stop playing with it until it has been looked at, it won't repair itself and it will eventually end in smoke.

    Regarding this problem, MX4000/6000/7000 and LX6000 are all just about the same internally.


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