Does anyone know if it is possible to search via Album Artist instead of Track Artist? When I choose Artist it shows me Track Artist, which I don't like. I have just purchased Top1000 songs and stored this as Various Artist (Album Artist) as I do with other similar albums, but it gave me so many Artist to scan thru. Likewise, if you have albums where artist are featuring each other, both artists are shown, which is ok when searching via song artist, but not usefull using album artist.
I do also have the albums structured in folders on my BM5 as you have in the music store, like:
A - ABBA - Albums - Songs
V - Various Artist - Top1000 - Songs
etc. But I can't really navigate using Folder structures, only the lowest folder level.
Note, I use BM5 on my TV.
I hope you have any good idea for me. FAQ on B&O website did not give me an answer I can use.
There is something about B&O.....