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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-26-2010 5:27 PM by f5434964. 3 replies.
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  • 11-20-2010 7:35 PM

    title in brackets/not shown correctly

    I just found out that the BS5 does show some of the titels not correctly; they are shown like

    1-(title)-(artist)-(album) -> thats like the file on the hdd; I don't have an idea what went wrong because I can't find any difference in comparison to the other titles which are shown correctly;

    I guess that there are 20-30 titles wrong out of almost 3000

    Do you have an idea how to get them shown in the correct way?

    thanks elmar 

    And maybe someone can tell me: Some files are to be found under the directory named after the artist and some named after the album - there is no obvious procedure how the files are sorted

  • 11-25-2010 12:00 PM In reply to

    Re: title in brackets/not shown correctly

    no one any idea?

  • 11-25-2010 8:55 PM In reply to

    Re: title in brackets/not shown correctly

    I have written a process down here in this forum a long time ago. Involves a bit of messing around but get results.

    The key - and I assume you are running everything as a WMA file is breifly as follows:-

    1. Load up Windows Media Player (10 or 11 is probably idea)

    2. Edit all the tags as you see fit. There are a number of fields which are usually redundant on the WMP which Beoplayer actually uses.

    3. Rescan WMP for media, then close WMP and Beoplayer. Delete all the *.IDX and *.DAT files in the C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\BeoMediaDatabase directory and those in the Backup directory.

    4. Re-Scan with Beoplayer.

    All should be how you wish it to be. There should be more detailed instructions in my earlier BS5 threads





  • 11-26-2010 5:27 PM In reply to

    Re: title in brackets/not shown correctly


    Just found out that iTunes does not change the id tags; the program itself shows the tracks in the correct order - like I have built up my library; I don't know why but those changes have not been entered into the id tags of the files; so with windows I can click right and enter titel, artist...; re-copy the files to BS5 and everything is fine; on my mac I don't have such opportunities without installing a new program;

    does anyone has an idea to make iTunes save/change the id tag?

    greetings elmar

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