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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-16-2010 9:20 AM by burantek. 1 replies.
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  • 09-16-2010 5:37 AM

    • mbee
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    Sony videoprojector xml file and a way to get codes from Logitech Harmony database?

    Here is another xml-file request : if somebody somewhere has made an xml file to control a Sony videoprojector, please share!

    And another question : Logitech told me that there are more than 5000 remote codes on their Harmony database...
    So here is the question : does somebody have access to the harmony database (maybe I could get an access if nobody can), and next step : does someone already look at a Harmony file and managed to convert it in a Beo5 file?

  • 09-16-2010 9:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Sony videoprojector xml file and a way to get codes from Logitech Harmony database?

    does somebody have access to the harmony database (maybe I could get an access if nobody can), and next step : does someone already look at a Harmony file and managed to convert it in a Beo5 file?

    The short answer: I don't think so. Big Smile

    The long answer: I was curious about this myself. I use Logitechs in several rooms. As I see it... (and I would love to be proved wrong!) the way it (the software) functions is akin to a web portal. You basically have several logins, each one representing a room/remote. When I added a new room recently that was very similar to another -I thought that it would be easier to search through my computer for any backing data to the config I was about to nearly duplicate. My intent was to use it as a template and save my having to recreate a lot of work.

    I found nothing -that doesn't mean it is not there, but led me to believe that all the data is stored remotely, and accessed via your login. Even when logged in, there is no access to the hard data.

    So, not as "granular" as one might hope for, but not a bad thing for typical consumers. Logitech's take on it is quite different than B&o's Beo5. YOU can program your own remote quite easily. I am sure that 90% of their user base is satisfied w/ the way the software works. The last 10% (you and/or me) will be OK with it, but left wishing for more.

    Now, as the hard data resides on a server(s) somewhere... it does also exist in one more place -your hand! A savvy hacker could likely jack the remote itself and pull down the config.

    • B&o bottle opener
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