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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-16-2010 4:59 PM by Mark2000. 8 replies.
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  • 07-15-2010 9:55 PM

    Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    I just got an original antenna in the mail for my BM2400. It has two pins on the end of the cable. Apparently there are two antenna connectors on the back of the unit: the two pin and a single large round jack. I don't have speakers yet, so I'm basing this off the signal/stereo indicators on the console, but the antenna doesn't seem to be making a lick of difference plugged or unplugged. I was thumbing through manuals and while the 2400 states just plug in an antenna, the 4400 actually labels these two ports as the AM and FM antennas - I having an AM one. So, whisky tango foxtrot? The reciever doesn't even have an option for AM tuning - the dial is FM only. Why does it have a port for an AM only antenna? Do I have to get another antenna to get FM?

    Edit: Looking over the 2400 manual again there is mention (but no pictures) of a 60 OHM port for a "community antenna". What in the world is that?

  • 07-15-2010 10:39 PM In reply to

    • Rich
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    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    I'm guessing half a dozen nice chaps who know more than I will chime in within a day to help with your whiskey and your tango and even the foxtrot, but I bought this for the other jack you mention on the BM2400 I'm going to restore.

    Google Fu says "community antenna" was the "CA" in "CATV," aka cable TV.  Look at that - I learned something today.

    Current primary listening:  SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70


  • 07-15-2010 11:36 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    That would fit. I wonder if I could get this , strip the bunny ears i have and connect the pal connector to it.

  • 07-16-2010 3:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    Both of the things on your links should work, but the price of the bare plug... Of course it will show on the pricing if those are not common over there, but I could buy 10 pieces for that at the local electronic component store (seems to be exactly the same make). I'd burn the difference in gas while picking them up, though Smile

    I'd never heard the name "PAL connector" before, but apparently it's correct. Standardized as IEC 169-2 or "IEC antenna connector" in daily speak.

    EDIT: I took a look in the service manuals, and both connectors (the 75 ohm coaxial and the 300 ohm two pin connector) should work equally for FM, the original rabbit's ears antenna plugs into the 300 ohm connector. I wouldn't worry too much until you can try it with speakers or headphones, the indicator lights themselves might be faulty.


  • 07-16-2010 4:09 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    I'm going to check it with the phones. I don't have any with a large size jack, so I need to get an adapter. No idea when my MC120.2s will get here parcel post.

    The lights look fine, though. They fade in and out, as does the stereo light as I tune around. Just doesn't get a good clean signal with or without the antenna.

  • 07-16-2010 8:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    (the 75 ohm coaxial and the 300 ohm two pin connector) should work equally for FM

    Yes, they are both FM... bringing up an old question from the back of my mind: What is the difference/advantage of either socket?

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 07-16-2010 8:24 AM In reply to

    • yachadm
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    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    The round-pin is the 75-ohm coaxial PAL connector. This is for use if you need to bring in weaker signals using an externally-mounted antenna on your roof, or on a pole. The coaxial shield is grounded, and this helps prevent interference from Airconditioners, fluorescents, etc.

    The 2 rectangular pins (300-600ohm) are a proprietary B&O connector, for an internal FM antenna (Bunny-ears). Use this if you have lots of strong transmitters in your area, and you need to reduce the length of the antenna to prevent "bleeding" of one signal over another.

    There is also a very similar B&O AM 2-pin connector. It has one of the pins rotated 90 degrees. At a casual glance, it appears that they are identical, but you cannot insert an FM connector into an AM socket, or vice versa.

    The so-called 2-pin AM socket on YOUR BM4400, is probably a non-exact replacement from a previous repair! The BM4400 is absolutely FM only.


    Learn from the mistakes of others - you'll not live long enough to make them all yourself!

  • 07-16-2010 8:36 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    Thank you, Menahem -very clear explanation! Smile

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 07-16-2010 4:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 2400 Antenna confusion

    Well, I checked the amp with cans and the antenna I have is doing nothing. Bad antenna port? I also noticed a hum in the tape and phono channels when nothing is playing. I'm hopinh its just the headphones jack. I only heard this thing in the shop with music playing.

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