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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-24-2007 3:33 PM by Frank Rizzo. 3 replies.
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  • 06-24-2007 2:35 PM

    damn i love this stuff

    listening to favourite music on a B&O system, so much better than telly isn t it?. Sorry went off on one there, back to the subject ;

    At present i have a Beocentre 8500, and a pair of s80.2s. was considering investing in a pair of Beolab 6000s.The speakers have been refoamed (by me) and the sound is fabulous. I absolutely love the look of the 6000s, but, will there be any discernable improvement in sound?. Dont want to fork out big time and find improvement only cosmetic.

  • 06-24-2007 2:54 PM In reply to

    Re: damn i love this stuff

    In my view it will probably be worse! The S80.2 is really very good. Did you change the capacitors when you were refoaming? I don't think you would notice a big improvement until you get to 8000s. Another way of improving things would be to improve the amplifier - probably the weakest part of the 8500. Find a pair of Beolab 200s or use a Quad 405 and you will notice a more dynamic sound.
  • 06-24-2007 3:10 PM In reply to

    Re: damn i love this stuff

    no,i didn t change capacitors, i tend to go with the if it ain t broke dont fix it theory, i can run at fairly indecent volumes, and still maintain the quality of sound i love, so i took the view that everything is pretty hunky dory. thanks for your input
  • 06-24-2007 3:33 PM In reply to

    Re: damn i love this stuff

    From what I've seen with our equipment, the biggest missing link is smooth delivered bass, without taxing the smaller amps that the BnO equip. came with. IMHO, (this is what i did) get 1 or 2 powered subwoofers, get very good quality and drive them (it) off in the corner. This is easily done with either the attenuated RCA out or converting Powerlink to RCA's.

     This really lets you drive the entire BnO components very light and the burden is placed on the amp in the sub.

    I can't tell you what a difference it makes. I've got pentas, 8000's and 2 high quality 15" subs. I mostly use it for home theatre, but if i was doing this again and listening mostly to music i would have went with 12's not the 15's....they are just tighter for musical reproducition to me.

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