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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-22-2010 11:43 AM by Electrified. 38 replies.
05-06-2010 7:56 AM

- Joined on 10-09-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 108

Hello. Where are all updates on BS5/BM5? Nearly every tuesday I try to update the software but the answer always are No update avalailabe. Hello B&O what are you doing and where is all fun interesting updates which further develops the system?
Let´s start a wishlist. Here is a beginning;
1. Feature so that I can avoid MOTS to play christmas tunes in the middle of the summer.
2. More than 4 playlists to make
3. Nicer and better navigation via TV despite the fact if the TV is connected directly or via link
4. Gapless from gapless CDs
5. Apple Lossless
6. Better and more smooth navigation in the photosection via TV
7. Show of photos also on the BS5.
8. Use of NAS
9. Plugin for BM5 for easier ripping of CDs directly without a PC
10. A special part for videos. Today you can show them via Photo on the TV but let´s make the machine to work directly with a naviatione for Video/Film.
11. etc..
Please put in more or develop those suggestions....
Brgds Ingvar
Collector since 1996, BS5/BM5, BL3*4, BL11, BEO6, BV10-46, BL2000, MX4002, Beocom6000, Beotalk1200

- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Posts 63

I agree with all of my fellow Swede Ingvars wishes and indeed also lack the "promised" rate of upgrades to the BM5/BS5, although I know there is a lot of development going on it would be nice to get some ideas of the timeframes from B&O.
I would like to add the following to the wishlist.
1: Some type of Screen saver / Graphics for the TV set that can be activated whilst playing music, gives someting to look at whilst enjoying the music.
2: Ability to control the BM5/BS2 via the Beoport/Beoplayer application i.e. click on an album on Beoplayer and choose for it to be played either on the local PC or via the BM5/BS5,
3: On-Screen keyboard for input into websites ex www.youtube.com/xl

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

Where are all the updates? I have had my BS5 for over a year and very few improvements have been made. I am getting disappointed. However if B&O ever asks, I would at least want Apple Lossless, the ability to turn off MOTS temporarily, and proper sorting of multiple CD albums.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

I like the roadster.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 03-14-2010
- England
- Posts 7

This is a good thread. Certainly the updates are not as frequent as B&O suggested but that may point towards everything working on the BS5 ;-)
I would like to see:
- Ability to turn MOTS off. It would be very nice to play an album on the BS5 in the same way as playing an old fashioned CD. e.g start it from any track, and move up or down through the tracks as I liked.
- It would be nice to have a minute / second counter display option to show how much longer was left on a track or album.
- Apple Lossless - goes without saying..
- Oh, and two way remote so I can control my BS5 easily without having to get up to it each time.
Apart from these few niggles I love the system.
All the best

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

Gapless playing with at least Apple lossless. That it is only working with WMA is a pitty.
I am surprised by "Ability to turn MOTS off. It would be very nice to play an album on the BS5 in the same way as playing an old fashioned CD. e.g start it from any track, and move up or down through the tracks as I liked. " Can't I do this.
Also for those asking for a video solution. I would accept this as a music only system. For video there are very good solutions out there and I don't think it is clear where the market is heading. I started streaming a lot using boxee, netflix through my wii and all kinds of content on my Ipad.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

My main problem is that, if I turn on N.RADIO, then the system does not always start up. I need to change radio channels before it makes the connection. My dealer says that the next update will fix this. So I am waiting, and my wife is frustrated that such a small detail does not work in a brand new installation with only new products (and at that price).
I agree with the above mentioned (I don't have the BS5 though), plus: 1) Able to show pictures in random order
A comment to the video part, I have installed the DivX7 and I can play back AVI movies on the BM5, however, I have decided, that the BM5 in our house is only for Music, Radio and Pictures. In addition, I have purchased a Tvix for movies. The reason is that I still want to be able to listen to music in the kitchen while our kids watch movies in the living room.
And this works just perfect for us.
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

I am surprised by "Ability to turn MOTS off. It would be very nice to play an album on the BS5 in the same way as playing an old fashioned CD. e.g start it from any track, and move up or down through the tracks as I liked. " Can't I do this.
MOTS is nice most of the time and it is always interesting to see what it will play next. However I have many classical albums in which there are multiple CDs and I would want them to play in sequence. B&O didn't have classical music in mind when implementing MOTS. As mentioned before, if you have seasonal music on the BM5 like Christmas music, I would want MOTS turned off for those CDs. I solved the Christmas music problem by deleting them. I will add them back in late November.
Because I have limited space in my condo, my Beosound 5 is in the bedroom. It looks cool but I would like a blank screen saver to start after about 5 minutes
I have already purchased CD albums in the FLAC format. The sound is superb. However in order to get them onto the BM5, I first have to convert the tracks to apple lossless, then convert those tracks to AAC 320. I then finally move the AAC 320 track to BM5 and subsequently delete the AAC 320 files from iTunes. FLAC is an open standard and can be added to BM5 for virtually no cost.
I understand the desire to add video codecs to BM5 but it wouldn't matter to me. I am already in the Apple TV and now iPad video orbit. I really enjoy the option of downloading movies from iTunes and I especially like streaming videos from Netflix on the iPad. Now that I have an iPad, its one of my most used gadgets on a daily basis. Maybe B&O will have an iPad dock for BM5.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 593

I am surprised by "Ability to turn MOTS off. It would be very nice to play an album on the BS5 in the same way as playing an old fashioned CD. e.g start it from any track, and move up or down through the tracks as I liked. " Can't I do this.
With respect to start it from any track, you cannot do this directly. If you select a song rather than the album, it goes off into MOTS after the song. You can select the album, and it will play start to finish and then go off to mots. So, it's really not that bad to select the album, then click up/down to skip forward/back within the album like a CD.
I'd like to turn off MOTS for certain songs because I don't want Frank Zappa's "Bobby Brown" (to name only one of many) to play when we're having a family birthday party for my son/daugher . Because of this, I still cannot retire my CD collection to the basement.

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

In no particular order and both hard- and software:
*Flac support. Gapless, of course
*A headphone jack in the BS5 - an 1/8th would suffice - unrecessed
*On-screen navigation on the BS5 when using a remote
*repeat track/playlist/album
*Podcast support (as in "ability to subscribe to such things)
(basically get it to do what most small, portable players such as iPods and Cowons are capable of).
* An updated OS (W7, so it's future proof. XP is, well, soon to be unsupported)
* Multiple BS5s to connect to the BM5. I take it that is not possible as it needs three cables?
*Smaller BM5 cabinet. Perhaps by using an ultralow wattage motherboard and a 2.5" HDD. It's HUGE as it is, and could do with a bit of downsizing.
*Pure aesthetics: Thinner display. There's no need for it to be so thick (relatively speaking, of course.
Extreme edition: Wifi version of BS5, so it only needs to plug into a wall outlet or lacking all the interface options above, a 2-way remote: Make the Beo5 as it should have been (2-way. They can begin by taking clues from both the iPod Touch and the Squeezebox Controller).

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

It's using embedded XP, not the normal XP license. There is no support issue with that to my knowledge.
I think they are in way over their heads with this. What I hate is, that TV's get so much attention yet they are missing the train on Music.
I will give it another 1 or 2 years, then I will pull certainly pull the plug and give up waiting for a B&O solution for digital music.
They need gapless playing and I need to be able to get that from a Mac. Just give me something that behaves exactly like a CD player as a start. No point putting things like MOTS or podcasts on top if thats not there. And recognize that almost all people have an Ipod or Iphone so don't make me run 2 types of software.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

I agree that it's an embarresment that it can't even behave like a cd-player, and that it needs gapless before I'd even consider the ball has begun to roll tentatively.
It should be easy to implement Apple Lossless into it as well as Flac (I have moved from Macs to Thinkpads recently, as I grew tired of all the limitations and all the time wasted trying to do workarounds since I use my computers for more than Word, youtube, facebook and connecting an iPod. No matter what I wanted to do in the last years of being on the Mac platform, I had to create workarounds. But, anyway, that's another story for another time).
I do get your point, and it does seem as if they have all but abandoned their audio products. Yes, they still make speakers, but what has happened on that front for years and years? Yes, they did make the BS5/BM5, but what has happened on that front besides exceptionally incremental and uninteresting updates that didn't really bring much to the table.
It's a pitty that besides a bigger screen one can get much more useability from an iPod, even if it never leaves the house and is solely used for music. Oh, but it has "MOTS"! In the big picture that's simply not redeeming enough.

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Been thinking about this a bit since yesterday. I know it's slightly off on a tangent, but ...
I have noticed some people are being apologetic about B&O not having a proper digital audio solution. They argue that B&O is a small company and as such can't compete.
B&O have always been a small company.
B&O can spend money on their tvs and their software.
Apparently B&O can compete on their tellies (or at least they try)
The BS5, if I recall correctly, are based on their "new" audio platform, as the BV10 is based on their "new" video platform, and - really - the technology when it comes to audio, audioformats and so on, are not changing quickly when compared to video/tv formats. In fact, it's almost stagnant compared to video.
If a small company like Sound Devices can make regular updates and implement user wishes into their recorders, surely B&O should be able to as well.
If they think the task to implement even the basics into a product like the BS5/BM5 is insurmountable, perhaps they should simply stop making consumer audio products.
This will leave their TV department and perhaps their speaker department. Now, since manufacturing tellies and the needed firmware is much more complex than audio products, surely they need to abandon that market as well. If not, well, then the argument that "since B&O is a small company, they can't compete with the big players", simply isn't valid.
Which leaves speakers. This is the only market where I see B&O have pushed the envolope. Not that they need to, but it's nice that they did. But without development of new speakers, or even the amount of plugs you can plug into it, I wonder how long that department would stay in the black. Or rather, will, as nothing has happened on that front either for many, many years. The DAC in the BL5s are outdated, as is evident by the supported bitrates and sample rates.
I think they ought to focus on useability instead of relying on sales of tv-sets and speakers by offering them white, or - horror - that kitsch BV10 they offered during the world championships printed with a football, grass, and line markings.

- Joined on 07-02-2009
- Posts 149

why wait for Beosound 5 2.0 ??? There is gear on the market that does it all ... even providing decent integration into your B&O settings.
Just buy a modified Apple-TV ... and a Sonos ZP 90 netplayer ... and hook it up to your Beovision. Controll the excellent graphic user interface with your Beo4 or your iphone/ipod/ipad (bidirectional)) ... that means that you can integrate it quite perfect into the B&O world ... the boxes are very small or you can hide them in the B&O cabinets.
It will cost you some 600€ ... that means roughly the amount you pay for a Beo5 ... or 1/8 of the investment for a Beosound 5 ?!
Best regards
BV 7-40 BR ... Beolab 5 front ... Beolab 8000 rear ... Beolab 2 Sub ... Apple TV ... Apple NAS ... Beosound Ouverture ... Technisat HD8-S ... Sonos ZP 90

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

Some caveats (to me, that is):
Just buy a modified Apple-TV ...
Modified? So I have to have someone else modify a product to get it to work?
and a Sonos ZP 90 netplayer ...
Hmm, Sonos. I have a few, but in my book, severe problems with their offerings:
1) They use an old D/A converter. I can tell, because it has no support above 48kHz, it's solely 16bit with absolutely no support for 24bit, and it's native sample rate is 44.1kHz (i.e. if playing a 48kHz file it will downsample it).
2) the volume is 16bit, meaning you will get bit reduction when turning down the volume on it.
Also, if I have to buy a modified Apple, an iPod Touch or - the horror - an iPhone, as well as the zone player, €600 sounds rather optimitisc.
I do like Sonos' remote, though.

- Joined on 07-02-2009
- Posts 149

"1) They use an old D/A converter. I can tell, because it has no support
above 48kHz, it's solely 16bit with absolutely no support for
24bit, and it's native sample rate is 44.1kHz (i.e. if playing a
48kHz file it will downsample it)."
So ... if something like this sounds better than the native B&O stuff ... it is even worse ;-). And as you know what the Sonos system can do for very little money ... you should be able to judge in a fair manner. If you are not after the napster service, you can get Squeezeboxes with far better bitrates for the same money, as you definetly know i guess. My point is: If really small companies like sonos/squeezebox etc.pp can achieve this kind of functionality for really small money ... what's up with Bang & Olufsen ... i think there is no excuse, if you claim premium prices!? They loose grip ... and they are to slow.
But the limitation of Sonos concerning the bitrates is one of the reasons i am heading for a top-notch DAC.
Concerning modified Apple-TV ... shure your official warranty is gone ... but you risk 200€ ... and the risk is very low ... and more important: IT DOES WORK and removes most of the limitaions you have with the proprietary Apple setup. And you can do the mod on your own ... it's very easy.
As to the budget ... you might be right ... i calculated it from my point of view ... already having other apple devices ... with the "horror" iphone beeing the most important and versatile in my digital/mobile life ... poor me :-)
Best regards
BV 7-40 BR ... Beolab 5 front ... Beolab 8000 rear ... Beolab 2 Sub ... Apple TV ... Apple NAS ... Beosound Ouverture ... Technisat HD8-S ... Sonos ZP 90

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

"1) They use an old D/A converter. I can tell, because it has no support
above 48kHz, it's solely 16bit with absolutely no support for
24bit, and it's native sample rate is 44.1kHz (i.e. if playing a
48kHz file it will downsample it)."
So ... if something like this sounds better than the native B&O stuff ... it is even worse ;-).
Not at all. It's old, it's sub par. Even an iPod has a better, more
modern, more efficient D/A converter. It's not even a 20bit converter.
No, 16bit. It's at least ten years old designwise.
Edit: Oops. I hit "post" accidently. Hang on, and I'll edit this to include the rest.
Rookie:And as you know what the Sonos system can do for very little money ... you should be able to judge in a fair manner. If you are not after the napster service, you can get Squeezeboxes with far better bitrates for the same money, as you definetly know i guess.
Yes, I know, and I think I am being fair. Sqeezeboxes are the closest you can get and they use modern hardware and a much more modern (circuitry) design.
Rookie:My point is: If really small companies like sonos/squeezebox etc.pp can achieve this kind of functionality for really small money ... what's up with Bang & Olufsen ... i think there is no excuse, if you claim premium prices!? They loose grip ... and they are to slow.
I don't get your point entirely. Yes, they should pull themselves together, but it's not so much a question of using sub par hardware as it is their software development team who apparently doesn't have enough ressources.
I don't mind paying for good stuff if it is good (the BS5 is lacking severely), but we all know we¨'re paying a premium. That comes with the territory, so to speak.
Rookie:But the limitation of Sonos concerning the bitrates is one of the reasons i am heading for a top-notch DAC.
If you intend to use it between the sonos and the BL5s, save your money. In fact, modern DACs are dead cheap (the actual dac, not the fancy casing and what not), costing the manufacturer well below $30 (yes, that's right), it would be pretty stupid to buy an expensive external DAC to go with those (active!) speakers of yours.
Rookie:Concerning modified Apple-TV ... shure your official warranty is gone ... but you risk 200€ ... and the risk is very low ... and more important: IT DOES WORK and removes most of the limitaions you have with the proprietary Apple setup. And you can do the mod on your own ... it's very easy.
Nah, count me out. I have had way too many problems with Apple products to pay a premium and then void my warranty on purpose.
Rookie:As to the budget ... you might be right ... i calculated it from my point of view ... already having other apple devices ... with the "horror" iphone beeing the most important and versatile in my digital/mobile life ... poor me :-)
Yup. I feel for you ;)

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Does anyone knows what will happen with BM5/BS5 in the future? Will there be any updates at all, or will all development be focused at the new audio platform (which I fear ).
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

I think they will keep improving the software and maintain it, but mostly what you have is it.
The software improvements will not re-ignite sales to a volume to justify the expense. Only thing that I could see moving it again would be a 2 way remote.
I mean can you imagine a BS5 add in a magazine, saying hey we added apple lossless and gapless playing to it.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 11-09-2008
- Netherlands
- Posts 252

I mean can you imagine a BS5 add in a magazine, saying hey we added apple lossless and gapless playing to it.
No, more a message like; "Hey you there, reading this magazine, we have a new 2-way remote and, be totally astounded, we offer iPad and iPhone support too"  

- Joined on 08-24-2010
- Posts 168

That goes for the new Beosound 5 encore?
Do you have any news about it?

- Joined on 10-05-2009
- Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
- Posts 404

I mean can you imagine a BS5 add in a magazine, saying hey we added apple lossless and gapless playing to it.
No, more a message like; "Hey you there, reading this magazine, we have a new 2-way remote and, be totally astounded, we offer iPad and iPhone support too"  
Wouldn't that be like Mercedes advertising "Hey, we have a gas tank and a steering wheel. We will even give you the option to fit an ashtray and a stereo if you want to"?
Seriously, gapless playback and ALAC as well as FLAC should be available through a firmware update. It can't be that hard to add.
The two-way remote is also a must. Especially considering that the screen on the BS5 doesn't react to the input of the remote, and that it is in fact competing with systems such as Squeezebox, Sonos, and even a NAS with a smartphone or an iPod/iPhone as a remote, all having the option to browse from your chair.
The iPhone/ipod support, well, if it could be streamed to the BM5, it would be neatest. Plugging the iPod in as in a dock defeats the purpose of using the iPod as a master and it will become a harddisk only. Sort of, because the iPoods an iPhones can't act as harddisk or thumbdrives anymore.
I also think that it needs a headphone plug on the BS5 part.
But, to me, all the hardware changes in the world won't suffice to make me buy one, unless they start thinking integration and useability into the firmware and take some useability cues from the competition. The real competition, not the CD-player brigade. A basic capacity it doesn't even have the ability to mimick.
For starters, besides adding gapless and playback of ALAC and FLAC, they also need to support such "advanced tech" as "podcasts", seeing how there's no way they will incorporate FM and DAB (+).Alas, it seems like they're acting in a vacuum these days and think that it's perfectly fine to have to use several other products to accompany theirs to get a "full" experience, not realising that in such a context, their part of the "system" becomes superfluous.
I'm all for simplicity and I'm against feature creep, but if you limit a product so much that you'll end having more boxes and more systems to take care of and keep in sync, the seemingly simple solution suddenly becomes very complex or at least time and space consuming.