Thank you guys for solving my burning oil question. I thought I was correct, but needed to hear it from the experts.
As for British cars, OMG! I once attended a RREC Auto Jumble at Charter House and it was a delightful outing with most welcoming participants all most positively determined to share their picnic lunch and “refreshments” with one and all.
BUT dare suggest that Britain alone makes cars that drip oil, transmission fluid, break fluid, radiator fluid, etc. and the mood turned decidedly sour. 
I had NO idea it was such a touchy subject when I offhandedly mentioned that Japanese and modern American auto do not leak fluids. From the reaction I received you would have thought I had made an off-color joke about HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Wanting to be a good guest I suppressed any further comments on this subject, however thoughts of how the geniuses at Rolls-Royce took a perfectly marvelous GM Hydromantic gearbox, reconfigured it without the “PARK” function requiring the use of a parking brake AND removed the rear seal, so that if one foolishly parked their 1955 through 1965 Silver Cloud on an hill aimed down that ALL the AT fluid would leak out of the transmission leaving a HUGE puddle of slippery pink fluid in the street and a PMC that no longer could proceed.
So sorry about this folks, but this was NO metaphor, it is a fact.
Back to Bang & Olufsen, thanks guys for confirming my oil leak suspicions.