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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-23-2010 7:28 AM by sjmcguckin. 17 replies.
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  • 03-04-2010 11:52 AM

    Reset MOTS?

    Is it possible to reset MOTS? I find it always seems to select tracks from the same albums almost regardless of the seed track. I am getting to the stage of culling some of these albums. Is this a sign that MOTS has nort really analysed all the tracks properly - It has had 10 days or so for around 100 albums.

    Tip for new BS5/BM5 owners - do not include albums/tracks just because you own them, you need to really like them also just in case MOTS selects them.

  • 03-05-2010 12:04 PM In reply to

    • StUrrock
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    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Is MOTS as useless as a man's nipples?

    Apparently it won Music algorithm of the year, lord knows what the quality of the second prize was!

    Please discuss...................................................................

  • 03-05-2010 2:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I'm convinced about MOTS !!
    I use it all the time, it will give you an other view of your music collection.
    I have 40.000 songs onit  and it is able to select perfectlly matching music.
    Mine has all kind of music going from very very soft music to even metal 

    I do not think there is "button" or tool to reset mots.
    you can do some deletions in the system (mots directory) but because it is a database this is not the best way to do it ..
    May be the easiest way is to delete all music, reinstall the box and recopy all music on the system, this should take not so long to do it.
    Of course the mots process will take some time again ... (i think max a day for 1500 songs).




  • 03-05-2010 3:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I thought it might get to doing a reinstall...


    Anyone else noticed a similar state of affairs with MOTS. I don't mind the selcetion but I feel it can be a bit narrow and always seems to focus on the same old artists/albums. In its defence sometimes it is surprisingly accurate in selecting similar pieces. I just wish it would surprise me more from a wider selection of artists/albums.

  • 03-06-2010 5:29 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I think it is what it is - a clever way of giving a more "themed" random playback than an ordinary shuffle feature.  Many say it's cleverer than the Apple Genius feature but then again that still gives a themed random playback of it's own making. Maybe MOTS is too clever and doesn't vary off piste enough as propaganda suggests.

    Is it the future of music listening? - I think not, it is a nice to have feature that you should be able to select when you want it and not when you don't. Maybe it should include a weighting factor that can be preset to determines how similar the next selection needs to be?Hmm

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 03-06-2010 10:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    What would be useful is an on/off and an exclude completely feature, perhaps some filtering parameters would be useful. I think B&O have oversimplified the way it works to the detriment of the overall experience. MOTS should be an option not a default, and when engaged should always surprise the listener (in a nice way of course).

  • 03-06-2010 11:42 PM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I seems that there are a few songs in my collection that it will eventually play no matter what the seed.  I have deleted a couple of these songs so I would not get sick of them.  I will probably add them back after a while and see if the same thing happens.  Sometimes it may take ~30 songs before it gets to one of it's favorites...  It might be my imagination, but (to me) it does seem to favor recently added music so maybe deleting and adding a bunch of songs might mix things up a bit.  

    Yes, the abililty to specify whether an album/song is included in MOTS would be a great enhancement.  For example, many Frank Zappa tunes are inappropriate for certain company, but I'd like the convenience of spinning the wheel vs. finding the CD.

    Having said this, I do think it works very well 99% of the time.  What I've found about it that I really like is that there's apparently a lot of music that I stopped listening to because I didn't like the entire album, or the album was "too long" (can listen to 15 minutes, but by 30 mins, it's becoming tedious).  MOTS has reacquainted me with this music... a song or two at a time.


  • 03-20-2010 2:28 PM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Thanks Stan. MOTS is a great idea but not executed quite as well as it could be. Unfortunately my BS5 keeps playing tracks from about three artists when there are many many others to choose from regardless of the seed track. It is a bit irritating. I do agree that you do discover forgotten tracks, this can be a great pleasure.

    Is there an easy way to dump the current MOTS list and start from a new seed? I cannot figure how to do this as selecting a song and holding down "GO" seems to add that track to the list rather than reseeding the list.

  • 03-30-2010 1:06 PM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Unless you're playing an album or artist, MOTS is always on so selecting a new song reseeds MOTS. 

    If you hold GO on the Beo4, it will reseed MOTS using the current song.  Unless you're playing an album or artist, this doesn't usually change things tremendously because the songs are already similar.  That is, the song is already in queue with songs that are similar according to the MOTS algorithm so re-seeding with a song in the queue will only usually cause subtle changes to the queue.


  • 05-28-2010 6:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    The easiest way to "reset" the MOTS is to reinstall the Beosound software, then it will reset all the indexes. This is better than deleting all the music. You will have to use the service menu on the Beosound to do this.

  • 11-08-2010 6:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?


    The easiest way to "reset" the MOTS is to reinstall the Beosound software, then it will reset all the indexes. This is better than deleting all the music. You will have to use the service menu on the Beosound to do this.


    How do you do this? 


    A somewhat belated question but I rediscovered this thread from some months ago because MOTS is increasingly annoying me. Did B&O actually test this software properly? It really seems a bit repetitive after heavy use - always reverts to a few select artists or albums after a time regardless of the seed. I wish it had a random function or more control over the parameters for selection. Apple Genius appears to function better.


  • 11-09-2010 6:47 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I find it excellent, and always surprises me with the play list. I think the results you get can possibly happen in two ways.

    1. You seed it with similar type tracks so it will create similar playlists.

    2. There are limited tracks similar to the tracks selected to seed the play list, therefore it will cycle back round the same ablums.

    Have you tried to select completely different songs to see what MOTS come up with?   

  • 11-09-2010 11:00 AM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: Reset MOTS?

    I experienced similar behavior.  For a while, it seemed like ~20 songs into the queue, I got a similar sequence of songs regardless of where I started (AC/DC, Jazz, Classical all eventually found their way to Jimmy Buffet).  I deleted some of the songs that MOTS seemed to like too much (this was before the ability to disable MOTS for specific songs).

    However, my BM5 died a while back (main board problem that is common to early versions), and now it seems to find more diverse songs, and I haven't experienced this.  Perhaps the new software releases have tweaked the MOTS algorithm, but you need to re-scan the music to benefit?  I'm not sure how to follow the advice to re-install the application, but I believe that is essentially what happened when they replaced the board in my computer (when I got it home, it took another few hours before the "Analyzing for MOTS..." icon went away) so perhaps it is worth a try?


  • 11-09-2010 11:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    The way I did it was to use the engineers service menu and go to the restore software option, not the reboot option. If you use reboot it simply shuts down and restarts. If you use the restore it reinstalls the software from scratch and then rebuilds the complete MOTS database.


  • 11-09-2010 6:39 PM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Do you mean - use the "recovery" option rather than "reboot" or drop into the service option in windows? If I drop into windows there appear to be no options available other than to restart the service menu again. I am sure I am missing something obvious here...

  • 11-10-2010 2:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Sorry, yes I mean the recovery option. I'm travelling at the minute and couldn't check the actual menu before replying.

  • 11-21-2010 9:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    If I want to re-seed MOTS the documentation states that this can be done by holding the GO button down for 3 seconds. When I do this there is a short pause in playback, but the queue remains the same - surely the queue should be reset?




    looking above I think I have already asked this question - still a problem though. Overall I am a bit disappointed in the execution of MOTS on the BS5. I doubt B&O are listening.

  • 11-23-2010 7:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Reset MOTS?

    Hi Propaganda,

    The way it works for me is as follows.

    1. Select a track and hit GO. This will immediately start playing the track you selected and will re-seed MOTS.

    2. If after you have performed step 1, you then immediately select another track and hold GO down for three seconds, this will add the second selected track to the queue immediately after the one that is currently playing and re-seed MOTS (based on the new track)

    3. If you repeat 2 above while the original track is still playing, then another song will be added to the queue and MOTS will be re-seeded. In this case the queue will have the three tracks you selected followed by the selection from MOTS.

    4. If the three tracks you have selected have been played and you are now listening to tracks selected by MOTS and you select a further track and hold GO for three seconds, this will be added to the queue immediately after the currently playing track and MOTS will re-seed the queue based on you newly selected track. You may have to scroll through the queue to the currently playing track to see this actually happening.

    Hope this helps to explain how it works (at least for me).  

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