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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-08-2010 10:58 PM by Stan. 1 replies.
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  • 02-07-2010 12:15 PM

    Preparing for BS5/BM5

    I need some tips as to the best way to prepare my music collection for the BS5/BM5. At the moment I have all my CDs + downloaded purchases in my iTunes Library. It seems that I ripped my CDs in MPEG format at 192Kbs (iTunes default), the downloaded music is either MP3 or AAC at 256kps. Should I consider re-ripping the CDs at a higher bitrate and if so what would be the best format. I have already had a look through this forum but got confused by some of the advice.

    Can the BM5 be synced to the iTunes library?

    I see that album covers should be 500 x 500 - should larger sizes be reduced to that size or just left alone?

  • 02-08-2010 10:58 PM In reply to

    • Stan
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • Posts 593
    • Gold Member

    Re: Preparing for BS5/BM5

    I re-ripped many of my most favorite CDs to WMA lossless.  This is the only lossless and gapless format that the BS5 supports.  If you're going to re-rip, you may as well go for lossless and gapless.  If you have an iPod (or a BS2), this does lead to having to maintain some extra copies of music since these players do not play WMA.  Kind of a pain, but really not that bad...  Personally, I wouldn't bother to re-rip just to go from 192 to 256.

    Is this necessary?  It depends on your ears, your listening style and your musical tastes.  I find I have to listen very carefully to tell the difference between lossless and 256kps MP3 (the format most of my music is ripped to) with most music (and often, if I'm honest, I cannot really say for sure).  I can usually tell when classical is compressed so I've never bothered with classical mp3s.  After I ripped my most very favorite 60-70 CDs to WMA, I decided I'd re-rip other albums to lossless if I found their current format lacking, and, so far (6 mos laster), I haven't re-ripped many CDs.

    You can transfer music from iTunes on Mac to the BS5, but there's no automatic "sync".  You drag music from iTunes to the BeoConnect icon in the dock, and it gets copied to the BS5.  I do not believe there is connectivity from iTunes on Windows.

    I think covers larger than 500x500 will not display, but I haven't messed with this very much.


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