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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-18-2007 1:33 PM by kawo. 3 replies.
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  • 06-18-2007 6:39 AM

    • Beonut
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    High Def 768 or 1080 with widescreen movies

    I am a little reticent to open up again the 768 / 1080 High def debate, however. I currently have the latest BS3 BV4-50, with the 768 res panel. There has been quite a lot of discussion that 1080 will not make much if any difference when this full HD res panel is shipped later this year.


    My point is as follows;


    Most DVD and Blu-ray movies are in widescreen format not 16:9, and I believe most people don’t change the format manually as this tends to distort peoples heads etc, so the movies are viewed in letterbox format. On my BV4 something in letterbox mode isn’t using about 20% of the horizontal resolution. So in other words about 614 lines are being used. I think  then a 1080 panel will be quite alot better as including losing the 20% there will be about 864 lines in use in letterbox mode?




    My B&O - BS3, BV4-50, Beomedia 1, BS3200, DVD1, BL8000, BL6000, BL3, BL2, BL7.4
  • 06-18-2007 6:48 AM In reply to

    • 355f
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    Re: High Def 768 or 1080 with widescreen movies

    Whatever criteria one uses on a 50" panel one has difficulty in distinguishing the two.

    More to the point is the quality of the source and its this that is very dissapointing. very variable on blue ray discs, extremely variable on sky HD ( and very little to see anyway)

    Now, if you are watching normal TV you will notice a worse picture with the 1080 set unless B&O can perform changes to the BS3

    By the time hidef offers realistic varied viewing the changes in panel will account for more. Rather interestingly the diference between d7/d8 and the d9 is that the black levels are much enhanced ect

  • 06-18-2007 10:28 AM In reply to

    • Alex
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    Re: High Def 768 or 1080 with widescreen movies

    Any movies which aren't widescreen will definitely not be shot on good enough film to make upscaling to HD really worth it. Hence I would say, not the 1080 panel will if anything make things a bit worse when it comes to showing older 4:3 films as it'll just reveal flaws in the picture you would rather not see...

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  • 06-18-2007 1:33 PM In reply to

    • kawo
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    Re: High Def 768 or 1080 with widescreen movies

    I was suprised by myself how small the difference between both full-HD and HD ready screens are with broadcast quality HD-content.

    However, I would consider a full HD screen if you want to stream photos or connect a PC/Mac. The extra pixels will make a big difference.




    BV4-50, Beosystem 3, Beolab 5, Beolab 3, BV3-32, BV1, BS9000, Beolab 4, Beolab 2000, Beo4 Cinema

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