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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-16-2007 8:03 AM by schatzoy. 4 replies.
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  • 06-16-2007 5:19 AM

    Quality issues with my Beocom 2

    I just want to share my recent experience with my 4-year old Beocom 2. About three weeks ago the electric plug literally broke to pieces. Obviously material fatigue has made the plastic brittle and the heavy weight of the plug just knocked the whole thing off the power socket. The new plug cost me about 15 Euros.

    Then this morning the charging station failed. One of the two protruding pins is stuck and thus doesn't make contact. The local B&O shop just lent me a replacement until my own unit comes back from repair.

    I must say I am a bit disappointed in the quality of this rather expensive piece of B&O equipment. Is there anyone else out there with similar BC 2 quality issues?

  • 06-16-2007 5:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Quality issues with my Beocom 2

    Not at all. Very surprised to hear this though my 2 gets a relatively easy life as my wife refuses to use it!! She likes the 6000s better. Was the plug in direct sunlight? It shouldn't matter but looking for some reason.
  • 06-16-2007 5:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Quality issues with my Beocom 2

    No, definitely no sunlight. But the socket has three inlets and they all are slightly twisted. Thus the plug hangs in sort of sideways which over time and under the weight seems to be detrimental.

    I acknowledge that the issue is also depending on the type of plug. The plug in the UK is different from the Euro plug and again different from the Swiss plug which is the one I use. 

  • 06-16-2007 7:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Quality issues with my Beocom 2

    I have had a BeoCom 2 for some years now and have not had these issues personally, although I have seen the charging pins stuck in a few times on other peoples phones and in every case I saw, it was because there had been some minor damage to the base, the plastic surrounding the charging pins had been knocked out of shape restricting the movement of the pins.

    One thing I would say is perhaps you should be looking at this in a different way, rather than beeing dissapointed, be happy that your BeoCom 2 can be serviced after 4 years.  I am sure there are not many phone manufacturers that can say that.

  • 06-16-2007 8:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Quality issues with my Beocom 2


    One thing I would say is perhaps you should be looking at this in a different way, rather than beeing dissapointed, be happy that your BeoCom 2 can be serviced after 4 years.  I am sure there are not many phone manufacturers that can say that.

    That is a very valid point. I think B&O phones are probably the only ones that can be serviced after all these years. 

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